Contains test utilities that make it easier to test parts of an Open Pioneer Trails application.
This package contains test utilities that make it easier to test parts of an Open Pioneer Trails application.
Web Component utilities
Provides a few helpers to render web components into the DOM.
The helpers can be used to make testing web components that use a Shadow DOM easier.
* @vitest-environment happy-dom
import { it, expect } from "vitest";
import { createElement } from "react";
import { createCustomElement } from "@open-pioneer/runtime";
import { renderComponentShadowDOM } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/web-components";
it("should render a custom component into the dom", async () => {
// Define a custom element class.
// The shadow root must be open for testing to work (which is the default during development).
const elem = createCustomElement({
component: () => createElement("div", { className: "test" }, "hello world")
// Waits until the component is rendered.
// Returns an inner container from the shadow dom (`.pioneer-root` by default).
// The queries object searches in that inner container.
const { queries } = await renderComponentShadowDOM(elem);
const div = await queries.findByText("hello world");
Take a look at the tests in this package for more examples.
React utilities
Provides helpers to make testing of react components easier that use the hooks from the "open-pioneer:react-hooks"
module (e.g. useService
The developer can provide custom service implementations, properties etc. using a simple parent component.
import { expect, it } from "vitest";
import { screen, render } from "@testing-library/react";
import { PackageContextProvider } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/react";
import { useProperties, useService, useServices } from "open-pioneer:react-hooks";
it("should allow injection of service from the test", async () => {
// A simple component that uses a service.
function Component() {
const service = useService("testService");
return <div>Message: {service.getMessage()}</div>;
// Setup test services.
const mocks = {
services: {
testService: {
getMessage() {
return "Hello World!";
// The PackageContextProvider parent ensures that the useService() in our test component works.
<PackageContextProvider {...mocks}>
<Component />
const div = await screen.findByText(/^Message:/);
Take a look at the tests in this package for more examples.
Service utilities
Provides a utility to construct new service instances. References to other service instances can be mocked with user defined test values.
import { expect, it } from "vitest";
import { createService } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/services";
import { MyService } from "./MyService"; // User defined service
it("creates a new service instance with the defined references", async () => {
const service = await createService(MyService, {
references: {
// Will be injected into the constructor.
// TypeScript checks are intentionally relaxed a bit.
someReference: {
bar() {
return 123;
// ... other assertions ...
Utilities for Vanilla JS
The function createIntl
from @open-pioneer/test-utils/vanilla
can be used to make the creation of an intl
object easier from vanilla JavaScript:
import { createIntl } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/vanilla";
// In your test:
const intl = createIntl(/* optional arguments such as messages or locale */);
/* ... */
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