This package integrates OpenLayers maps into an open pioneer trails application.
This package integrates OpenLayers maps into an Open Pioneer Trails application. APIs provided by this package can be used to configure, embed and access the map and its contents.
To use the map in your app, follow these two steps:
- Add a
component to your app (see Map container component). - Implement a
(see Map configuration).
To access or manipulate the content of the map programmatically, see Using the map model.
Map container component
To integrate a MapContainer
in an app, add the component to your React component, where you want the map to appear.
On the component specify the mapId
of the map that you want to add.
Make sure that the parent component has an appropriate width and height (for example 100%
The MapContainer
fills the entire available space.
Example: Integration of a map container with a given map ID:
import { Box } from "@open-pioneer/chakra-integration";
import { MapContainer } from "@open-pioneer/map";
// ...
function AppUI() {
return (
<Box height="100%" overflow="hidden">
<MapContainer mapId="..." />
NOTE: There must be a
that knows how to construct the map with the given ID (see Map configuration).
The component itself uses the map registry service to create the map using the provided mapId
Changing the map view's padding
The MapContainer provides a prop viewPadding
that allows to set the map's view padding
(see padding property on OL View).
This prop musst be used to set the views padding instead of directly setting the padding on the
OL map's view to ensure that map anchor are positioned correctly.
Additionally, using the prop viewPaddingChangeBehavior
it is possible to specify how the map behaves when the view padding changes.
Possible values are none
(no nothing), preserve-center
(ensures that the center point remains the same
by animating the view) and preserve-extent
´(ensures that the extent remains the same by zooming).
Map anchor component
To pass custom React components onto the map, the following anchor-points are provided:
Example: Integration of a map anchor component into the map container with position bottom-right
and optional horizontal and vertical gap:
<MapContainer mapId="...">
<MapAnchor position="bottom-right" horizontalGap={25} verticalGap={25}>
... {/** add map anchor content like other React components */}
The component itself calculates the maxHeight
and maxWidth
according to the map view padding and optional horizontalGap
and verticalGap
to avoid content overflow.
In this case, the CSS property overflow
is set to hidden
to the map anchor component.
If no verticalGap
is configured, a default vertical gap of 30px
is used.
NOTE: To get the correct tab order, add the container anchor-points before other components.
By default, certain pointer events from map anchor children (such as pointer-down
) are stopped from bubbling up towards the map.
This is done to "hide" those events from map interactions (such as drawing): this makes it possible to click into text or controls within a map anchor without interacting with the map.
This behavior can be disabled by setting the stopEvents
property to false
<MapAnchor position="top-right" stopEvents={false}>
{/* Click events etc. will be seen by the map. This could be appropriate for non-interactive text-only overlays, for example. */}
Map configuration
Register a service providing map.MapConfigProvider
to configure the contents of a map.
Such a provider is typically located in an app.
Example: Configuration to register a service providing map.MapConfigProvider
// build.config.mjs
import { defineBuildConfig } from "@open-pioneer/build-support";
export default defineBuildConfig({
services: {
MapConfigProviderImpl: {
// Registers the service as a config provider
provides: ["map.MapConfigProvider"]
ui: {
references: ["map.MapRegistry"]
The service itself needs to implement the MapConfigProvider
The following map options are supported:
(see Layer configuration),advanced
Always use the provided map model to access the map initially.
Use .olMap
only, when the raw instance is required.
If an advanced configuration (fully constructed OlView
instance) is used, some options (such as initialView
or projection
) cannot be applied anymore.
Example: Implementation of the service with initialView.kind = position
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
import { MapConfig, MapConfigProvider } from "@open-pioneer/map";
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
initialView: {
kind: "position",
center: { x: 847541, y: 6793584 },
zoom: 14
projection: "EPSG:3857",
layers: [
// ...
Example: Implementation of the service with initialView.kind = extent
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
import { MapConfig, MapConfigProvider } from "@open-pioneer/map";
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
initialView: {
kind: "extent",
extent: {
xMin: 577252,
yMin: 6026906,
xMax: 1790460,
yMax: 7318386
projection: "EPSG:3857",
layers: [
// ...
Example: Implementation of the service with an advanced configuration.
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
import { MapConfig, MapConfigProvider } from "@open-pioneer/map";
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
advanced: {
view: new View({
center: [405948.17, 5757572.85],
zoom: 5
layers: [
// ...
IMPORTANT: Not all OpenLayers View properties are supported. For example, you cannot set the target because the target is controlled by the
<MapContainer />
Layer configuration
Configure your custom layer inside the Map configuration by using one of the layer classes provided by this package.
For example, SimpleLayer
can be used to configure an arbitrary OpenLayers Layer
as olLayer
Layer Order
By default, layers are displayed in the order in which they are defined in the
array. The later a layer is listed in the array, the higher up it is displayed in the map.Base layers are excluded from this rule: they are always displayed below all operational layers.
Example: Implementation of a layer configuration.
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
import { MapConfig, MapConfigProvider, SimpleLayer } from "@open-pioneer/map";
import TileLayer from "ol/layer/Tile";
import OSM from "ol/source/OSM";
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
layers: [
new SimpleLayer({
// minimal layer configuration
title: "OSM",
olLayer: new TileLayer({
source: new OSM()
new SimpleLayer({
// layer configuration with optional properties
id: "abe0e3f8-0ba2-409c-b6b4-9d8429c732e3",
title: "OSM with UUID",
olLayer: new TileLayer({
source: new OSM()
attributes: {
foo: "bar"
description: "additional description",
isBaseLayer: false,
visible: false
Based on the example above, you can set different properties using the layer API (such as setting visibility, update custom metadata (attributes
Example: How to set different properties.
import { useMapModel } from "@open-pioneer/map";
const { map } = useMapModel(mapId);
const layer = map.layers.getLayerById("abe0e3f8-0ba2-409c-b6b4-9d8429c732e3");
layer.setDescription("new description");
layer.setTitle("new title");
foo: "bar"
An optional property healthCheck
allows to determine the availability status of a layer (e.g. map service down). The health check is performed asynchronous.
It is possible to provide
- either a URL to perform a test request check the returned HTTP status
- or a
performing a custom check and returning the state
Important: The availability of a layer is only checked once during initialization to reduce the load on server side. If a service becomes available again later, the application will need to be reloaded in order to update the availability status.
The availability status of a layer can be accessed with the property loadState
. Its value depends on the result of the health check and the OpenLayers Source
of the layer. If at least one of both checks returns the state error
, the loadState
will be set to error
Example: Check of layer availability ("health check")
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
import { MapConfig, MapConfigProvider, SimpleLayer } from "@open-pioneer/map";
import TileLayer from "ol/layer/Tile";
import OSM from "ol/source/OSM";
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
layers: [
new SimpleLayer({
id: "1",
title: "Layer 1",
olLayer: new TileLayer({
source: new OSM()
// check layer availability by requesting the provided URL
isBaseLayer: false,
visible: true
new SimpleLayer({
id: "2",
title: "Layer 2",
olLayer: new TileLayer({
source: new OSM()
// check layer availability by providing a custom health check function
healthCheck: async () => {
function wait(milliseconds: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
await wait(3000);
return "error";
isBaseLayer: false,
visible: false
NOTE: The visibility of base layers cannot be changed through the method
. CallactivateBaseLayer
OGC API Features
To create an OGC API Features layer, use the ogc-features
Details about the necessary steps are described in the package's README file.
Mapbox / MapLibre styles
To use layers of a Mapbox / MapLibre style document, use the class MapboxVectorLayer
from the package ol-mapbox-style
as in the following sample:
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
import { MapboxVectorLayer } from "ol-mapbox-style";
export const MAP_ID = "main";
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
mapId = MAP_ID;
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
projection: "EPSG:3857",
initialView: {
kind: "position",
center: {
x: 848890,
y: 6793350
zoom: 13
layers: [
new SimpleLayer({
title: "Abschnitte/Äste mit Unfällen (Mapbox Style)",
olLayer: new MapboxVectorLayer({
Because of the changed license of Mapbox as of version 2.0, we recommend to override the implementation with the code of MapLibre (see the main package.json of this repository for a sample).
OpenLayers supports OGC API Tiles (vector tiles) by default (see OpenLayers API).
IMPORTANT: The configured vector tile layer must have the same projection like the map. Otherwise OGC API Tiles cannot be displayed correctly in a map.
Example: How to configure a vector tile layer:
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
projection: "EPSG:3857",
initialView: {
kind: "position",
center: {
x: 848890,
y: 6793350
zoom: 13
layers: [
new SimpleLayer({
title: "Pendleratlas",
visible: true,
olLayer: new VectorTileLayer({
source: new VectorTileSource({
url: "https://pendleratlas.statistikportal.de/_vector_tiles/2022/vg250/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf",
format: new MVT(),
projection: "EPSG:3857"
style: new Style({
fill: new Fill({
color: "rgba(173, 209, 158, 0.6)"
stroke: new Stroke({
color: "#2d7d9f",
width: 3
OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
To create a layer configuration for a WMTS, use one of the following configuration approaches:
- Predefine options
- Request options from the services capabilities (see OpenLayers API)
Predefining the options results in faster startup of your application and prevents the startup process from being interrupted when a service is temporarily unavailable. Requesting the options from the capabilities has the advantage that you do not have to track and adjust changes in the services' metadata and can integrate a service with less code.
Example: How to predefine all necessary options for a WMTS layer:
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
export const MAP_ID = "main";
* Register custom projection to the global proj4js definitions.
"+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +nadgrids=BETA2007.gsb +units=m +no_defs +type=crs"
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
mapId = MAP_ID;
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
initialView: {
kind: "position",
center: { x: 404747, y: 5757920 },
zoom: 14
projection: "EPSG:31466",
layers: [
new SimpleLayer({
id: "topplus_open",
title: "TopPlus Open",
isBaseLayer: true,
visible: true,
layer: new TileLayer({
source: createWMTSSource("web")
function createWMTSSource(layer: "web" | "web_grau" | "web_light") {
const topLeftCorner = [-3803165.98427299, 8805908.08284866];
* Resolutions taken from AdV WMTS-Profil
* @see https://www.adv-online.de/AdV-Produkte/Standards-und-Produktblaetter/AdV-Profile/
const resolutions = [
4891.96981025128, // AdV-Level 0 (1:17471320.7508974)
2445.98490512564, // AdV-Level 1 (1:8735660.37544872)
1222.99245256282, // AdV-Level 2 (1:4367830.18772436)
611.49622628141, // AdV-Level 3 (1:2183915.09386218)
305.748113140705, // AdV-Level 4 (1:1091957.54693109)
152.874056570353, // AdV-Level 5 (1:545978.773465545)
76.4370282851763, // AdV-Level 6 (1:272989,386732772)
38.2185141425881, // AdV-Level 7 (1:136494,693366386)
19.1092570712941, // AdV-Level 8 (1:68247,3466831931)
9.55462853564703, // AdV-Level 9 (1:34123,6733415966)
4.77731426782352, // AdV-Level 10 (1:17061,8366707983)
2.38865713391176, // AdV-Level 11 (1:8530,91833539914)
1.19432856695588, // AdV-Level 12 (1:4265,45916769957)
0.59716428347794 // AdV-Level 13 (1:2132,72958384978)
* The length of matrixIds needs to match the length of the resolutions array
* @see https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_tilegrid_WMTS-WMTSTileGrid.html
const matrixIds = new Array(resolutions.length);
for (let i = 0; i < resolutions.length; i++) {
matrixIds[i] = i;
return new WMTS({
url: `https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wmts_topplus_open/tile/1.0.0/${layer}/{Style}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileRow}/{TileCol}.png`,
layer: "web_grau",
matrixSet: "EU_EPSG_25832_TOPPLUS",
format: "image/png",
projection: "EPSG:25832",
requestEncoding: "REST",
tileGrid: new WMTSTileGrid({
origin: topLeftCorner,
resolutions: resolutions,
matrixIds: matrixIds
style: "default",
attributions: `Kartendarstellung und Präsentationsgraphiken: © Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie ${new Date().getFullYear()}, <a href="https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_public/gdz/datenquellen/Datenquellen_TopPlusOpen.html" target="_blank">Datenquellen</a>`
Note: The WMTS configuration (for example
) can be different for each service. Please have a look into the WMTS capabilities.
Example: How to create the WMTS source from the services capabilities:
// YOUR-APP/SomeFile.ts
// Imports:
import { MapModel, registerProjections } from "@open-pioneer/map";
import WMTSCapabilities from "ol/format/WMTSCapabilities";
import { optionsFromCapabilities } from "ol/source/WMTS";
// Global setup: register UTM32 (only needed for this specific layer)
"+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +nadgrids=BETA2007.gsb +units=m +no_defs +type=crs"
// Later, for example in a service
const mapModel: MapModel = ... // retrieved via MapRegistry service
await mapModel.whenDisplayed();
const response = await httpService.fetch("https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wmts_topplus_open/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml");
const responseText = await response.text();
const wmtsParser = new WMTSCapabilities();
const wmtsResult = wmtsParser.read(responseText);
const wmtsOptions = optionsFromCapabilities(wmtsResult, {
layer: "web_light",
matrixSet: "EU_EPSG_25832_TOPPLUS"
if (wmtsOptions) {
mapModel.layers.addLayer(new SimpleLayer({
id: "topplus_open_optionsFromCapabilities",
title: "TopPlus Open - created with optionsFromCapabilities()",
visible: false,
layer: new TileLayer({
source: new WMTS(wmtsOptions)
Note: To avoid adding layers twice (or error messages), check against the layer id with
OGC Web Map Service (WMS)
To create a layer configuration for a WMS, use the following configuration approach:
Example: Create WMS layer configuration
// YOUR-APP/MapConfigProviderImpl.ts
import { MapConfig, MapConfigProvider, WMSLayer } from "@open-pioneer/map";
export const MAP_ID = "main";
export class MapConfigProviderImpl implements MapConfigProvider {
mapId = MAP_ID;
async getMapConfig(): Promise<MapConfig> {
return {
initialView: {
kind: "position",
center: { x: 404747, y: 5757920 },
zoom: 14
projection: "EPSG:25832",
layers: [
new WMSLayer({
title: "Schulstandorte",
url: "https://www.wms.nrw.de/wms/wms_nw_inspire-schulen",
// Configure service (sub-) layers
sublayers: [
name: "US.education",
title: "Schulen"
// Optional, additional options for the underlying ImageWMS source
sourceOptions: {
// Ratio 1 means image requests are the size of the map viewport
ratio: 1
A GroupLayer
contains a list of layers (e.g. SimpleLayer
, WMSLayer
or nested GroupLayer
The visibility of all layers within the group is controlled via the parent group layer(s).
The hierarchy of the layers, which results from the (nested) groups, is rendered accordingly in the table of contents.
Example: Create (nested) group layers
// Create group layer with a nested sub group
const group = new GroupLayer({
id: "group",
title: "a group layer",
layers: [
new SimpleLayer({
id: "member",
title: "group member",
olLayer: olLayer1
new GroupLayer({
id: "subgroup",
title: "a nested group layer",
layers: [
new SimpleLayer({
id: "submember",
title: "subgroup member",
olLayer: olLayer2
const childLayers = group.layers; // Access child layers
- Do not add or remove layers directly to or from the underlying OpenLayers layer group (
)! Changes are not synchronized with theGroupLayer
instance.- Currently, it is not possible to manipulate (add or remove) the child layers of a
during runtime.
Register additional projections
The map supports only the following projections by default: EPSG:4326
, EPSG:3857
, EPSG:25832
and EPSG:25833
To register additional projections to use them for the map, use the registerProjections
Example: How to register an additional projection to the global proj4js definition set by name (such as "EPSG:4326"
) and projection definition (string defining the projection or an existing proj4 definition object):
import { registerProjections } from "@open-pioneer/map";
"+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +nadgrids=BETA2007.gsb +units=m +no_defs +type=crs"
// ... more projections
Projection definitions can be accessed by the epsg.io website or by searching the global proj4js definition set with a valid name.
Example: How to use the registered projection:
import { getProjection } from "@open-pioneer/map";
// Returns a raw proj4 projection definition (or undefined)
const proj = getProjection("EPSG:3035");
// proj can be used as "projection" in "getMapConfig" of MapConfigProvider implementation
Using the map model
This package allows interacting with maps and their layers through multiple interfaces and classes.
The most important API items are as follows:
service (inject via"map.MapRegistry"
). This service is used to obtain a reference to theMapModel
.NOTE: From inside a React component you can also use the hook
represents a map in an application. Through theMapModel
one can obtain the map's base layers, operational layers and so on. TheMapModel
also provides access to the raw OpenLayersolMap
for advanced use cases.NOTE: The
is manipulated by theMapModel
to implement its functionality (for example, to add or remove layer instances). When using theolMap
directly, treat it carefully and as a shared resource.The
interface and its various implementations. This interface is used to make common properties and methods available (such as.title
, or.setVisible
). Layers may also have.sublayers
, which support the same basic properties as other layer types.As is the case in
, one can retrieve the raw OpenLayersolLayer
from a layer instance (the same restrictions apply, see above).
As a general rule of thumb, one should always prefer to use properties or methods provided by this package (if available) instead of manipulating the raw OpenLayers instances. Manipulating raw instances directly may lead to unexpected results. For example, other application components may not react to raw property changes correctly because they expect an "official" property to be changed instead.
This point is especially important for the map model's central features:
- Map composition (access and configuration of layers, base layers, removing layers)
- Layer visibility
- Custom layer metadata (
In those cases, the properties or methods provided by this package should always be used:
to add or remove layersmap.layers.getAllLayers()
etc. to access (top-level) layerslayer.setVisible(visible)
to control visibilitylayer.updateAttributes()
to change a layer's custom attributes
Layer classes
This package currently provides five layer implementations: SimpleLayer
, WMSLayer
, WMTSLayer
, GroupLayer
and WMSSublayer
The following diagram shows the inheritance structure of the corresponding layer types. The diagram is only intended to show the hierarchy of the layer types; for details on the properties and methods of the layer types, refer to the respective API documentation.
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
class AnyLayerBaseType {
type: string
<<abstract>> AnyLayerBaseType
class LayerBaseType {
type: string
<<abstract>> LayerBaseType
class SimpleLayer {
type: "simple"
constructor(config: SimpleLayerConfig)
class WMSLayer {
type: "wms"
constructor(config: WMSLayerConfig)
class WMTSLayer {
type: "wmts"
constructor(config: WMTSLayerConfig)
class GroupLayer {
type: "group"
constructor(config: GroupLayerConfig)
class Layer
<<union>> Layer
class Sublayer
<<union>> Sublayer
class SublayerBaseType {
type: string
<<abstract>> SublayerBaseType
class WMSSublayer {
type: "wms-sublayer"
constructor(config: WMSSublayerConfig)
AnyLayerBaseType <|-- LayerBaseType
AnyLayerBaseType <|-- SublayerBaseType
LayerBaseType <|-- SimpleLayer
LayerBaseType <|-- WMSLayer
LayerBaseType <|-- WMTSLayer
LayerBaseType <|-- GroupLayer
SublayerBaseType <|-- WMSSublayer
SimpleLayer .. Layer
WMSLayer .. Layer
WMTSLayer .. Layer
GroupLayer .. Layer
WMSSublayer .. Sublayer
Using the map model and layers in services
Example: Center map to given coordinates using the map model and set layer visibility using the layer instance.
import { ServiceOptions } from "@open-pioneer/runtime";
import { MAP_ID } from "./MapConfigProviderImpl";
import type { MapRegistry } from "@open-pioneer/map";
interface References {
mapRegistry: MapRegistry;
export class TestService {
private registry: MapRegistry;
constructor(options: ServiceOptions<References>) {
this.registry = options.references.mapRegistry;
async centerBerlin() {
const model = await this.registry.getMapModel(MAP_ID);
model?.olMap?.getView().fit([1489200, 6894026, 1489200, 6894026], { maxZoom: 13 });
async setLayerVisible() {
const model = await this.registry.getMapModel(MAP_ID);
const layer = model?.layers.getLayerById("abe0e3f8-0ba2-409c-b6b4-9d8429c732e3");
Using the map model in React components
To access the map model instance, use the React hook useMapModel
Example: Center map to given coordinates using the map model.
import { useMapModel } from "@open-pioneer/map";
import { MAP_ID } from "./MapConfigProviderImpl";
export function AppUI() {
// mapState.map may be undefined initially, if the map is still configuring.
// the object may may also be in an "error" state.
const mapState = useMapModel(MAP_ID);
const centerBerlin = () => {
const olMap = mapState.map?.olMap;
if (olMap) {
olMap?.getView().fit([1489200, 6894026, 1489200, 6894026], { maxZoom: 13 });
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