Implements authentication against Keycloak servers.
This package provides a Keycloak plugin for the authentication package.
The package implements an authentication flow using the Keycloak JavaScript adapter. For more information about Keycloak, see the Keycloak documentation.
To use the package in your app, first import the <ForceAuth />
component from the authentication package to make sure that only logged in users can use the application.
renders its children (your application) if the user is authenticated.
Otherwise, it redirects the user to the Keycloak authentication provider.
To access the SessionInfo
for the currently logged in user, use the useAuthState
hook provided by the authentication package.
The following example shows a basic implementation of the functions described before:
// AppUI.tsx
import { ForceAuth, useAuthState } from "@open-pioneer/authentication";
import { Notifier } from "@open-pioneer/notifier";
import { useService } from "open-pioneer:react-hooks";
export function AppUI() {
const authService = useService<AuthService>("authentication.AuthService");
const authState = useAuthState(authService);
const sessionInfo = authState.kind == "authenticated" ? authState.sessionInfo : undefined;
const userName = sessionInfo?.attributes?.userName as string;
return (
{/* recommended for error reporting: */}
<Notifier />
<Text>Logged in as: {userName}</Text>
<TheRestOfYourApplication />
Keycloak configuration properties
To configure the authentication-keycloak
package, adjust these properties.
For more details on the configuration properties, visit the API Reference.
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ------------------- | :-----------------: | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | --------------------------------------------------: |
| refreshOptions | RefreshOptions | Configure token refresh behavior and manage access token lifecycle in client applications. | {autoRefresh: true, interval: 6000, timeLeft: 70}
| keycloakInitOptions | KeycloakInitOptions | Configure Keycloak's behavior during client application initialization. | {onLoad: "check-sso", pkceMethod: "S256"}
| keycloakConfig | KeycloakConfig | The configuration settings required to establish a connection between the client application and the Keycloak server. | |
interface RefreshOptions {
autoRefresh: boolean;
interval: number;
timeLeft: number;
interface KeycloakInitOptions {
onLoad: string;
pkceMethod: string;
scope: string;
interface KeycloakConfig {
url: string;
realm: string;
clientId: string;
Using the configuration in an app
// app.ts
import { KeycloakProperties } from "@open-pioneer/authentication-keycloak";
import { createCustomElement } from "@open-pioneer/runtime";
import * as appMetadata from "open-pioneer:app";
import { AppUI } from "./AppUI";
const element = createCustomElement({
component: AppUI,
config: {
properties: {
"@open-pioneer/authentication-keycloak": {
keycloakOptions: {
refreshOptions: {
autoRefresh: true,
interval: 6000,
timeLeft: 70
keycloakInitOptions: {
onLoad: "check-sso",
pkceMethod: "S256"
// additional configuration, for example:
// scope: "openid address phone"
keycloakConfig: {
url: "http://keycloak-server/base_path",
realm: "myrealm",
clientId: "myapp"
} satisfies KeycloakProperties // for auto completion / validation
// ...
Error reporting
In case of an error during authentication (if the Keycloak client library throws an error during init
), a notification is presented to the user via the NotificationService
(technical details can be found in the developer console).
You should therefore embed the <Notifier />
into your application as well.
Note that the Notifier should not be nested in <ForceAuth />
, because it would not be rendered in case of an authentication problem.
Accessing the Keycloak token in your application
After a successful login, the Keycloak token can be accessed from the SessionInfo
of the AuthService
as in the following sample:
import { AuthService } from "@open-pioneer/authentication";
import { ServiceOptions } from "@open-pioneer/runtime";
// ...
class SampleTokenInterceptor implements Interceptor {
private authService: AuthService;
constructor(options: ServiceOptions<References>) {
this.authService = options.references.authService;
beforeRequest({ target, options }: BeforeRequestParams): void {
const authState = this.authService.getAuthState();
const sessionInfo = authState.kind == "authenticated" ? authState.sessionInfo : undefined;
const keycloak = sessionInfo?.attributes?.keycloak;
const token = (keycloak as { token: string }).token;
// ...
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