JSI wrapper around wallet-core
yarn add jsi-rn-wallet-core
Supported currencies
- Ethereum
- Cosmos
Import package once as early as possible, it installs global types, and on android it installs bindings in a safe way.
Afterwards, you can access a global WalletCore
variable anywhere in your code.
import 'jsi-rn-wallet-core';
const { mnemonic, seed } = WalletCore.createWallet(128, '');
Creates a new wallet.
** SAMPLE METHOD ** Meant only to test creating a wallet, not meant to be used production
number - Strength of the secret seed. Possible options are 128 or 256.passphrase
string (optional) - Used to scramble the seed- Returns
string - the recovery phrase of the walletseed
string - hex seed of the wallet. Can also be used to import.
const { mnemonic, seed } = WalletCore.importWalletFromMnemonic({
'ripple scissors kick mammal hire column oak again sun offer wealth tomorrow wagon turn fatal',
passphrase: '',
promptTitle: 'Unlock your device',
promptSubtitle: 'Please authenticate to unlock your wallet',
useBiometrics: true,
Import a wallet from a mnemonic recovery phrase. This will also load the wallet into local memory so that it can be used for creating addresses and/or signing transactions. The loaded wallet seed will also be securely stored on the device so it can be loaded (will require user authentication via passcode/biometrics).
object - contains the possible paramsmnemonic
string - Recovery phrasepassphrase
string (optional) - The passphrase used when creating the wallet (if applicable)promptTitle
string (optional) - The title for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationpromptSubtitle
string (optional) - The subtitle for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationuseBiometrics
boolean (optional) (default: false) - Lock the seed behind biometric authentication
- Returns
string - the recovery phrase of the walletseed
string - hex seed of the wallet. Can also be used to import.
const { mnemonic, seed } = WalletCore.importWalletFromEntropy({
entropy: '<ENTROPY_STRING>',
passphrase: '',
promptTitle: 'Unlock your device',
promptSubtitle: 'Please authenticate to unlock your wallet',
useBiometrics: true,
Import a wallet from a entropy string seed. This will also load the wallet into local memory so that it can be used for creating addresses and/or signing transactions. The loaded wallet seed will also be securely stored on the device so it can be loaded (will require user authentication via passcode/biometrics).
object - contains the possible paramsentropy
string - Recovery phrasepassphrase
string (optional) - The passphrase used when creating the wallet (if applicable)promptTitle
string (optional) - The title for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationpromptSubtitle
string (optional) - The subtitle for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationuseBiometrics
boolean (optional) (default: false) - Lock the seed behind biometric authentication
- Returns
string - the recovery phrase of the walletseed
string - hex seed of the wallet. Can also be used to import.
const { mnemonic, seed } = WalletCore.loadWalletFromStorage({
passphrase: '',
promptTitle: 'Unlock Wallet',
promptSubtitle: 'Please authenticate to use your wallet',
useBiometrics: true,
Load a wallet into memory from a stored seed.
object - contains the possible paramspassphrase
string (optional) - The passphrase used when creating the wallet (if applicable)promptTitle
string (optional) - The title for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationpromptSubtitle
string (optional) - The subtitle for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationuseBiometrics
boolean (optional) (default: false) - Lock the seed behind biometric authentication, if you imported a wallet with theuseBiometrics
flag, you need to set it here too in order to be able to load it
- Returns
string - the recovery phrase of the walletseed
string - hex seed of the wallet. Can also be used to import.
const address = WalletCore.getAddressForCoin('ethereum');
Generate and retrieve the default address for a coin. The address is generated using the default derivation path of a coin.
string - The coin type- Returns
string - The public key of the address
const { address, privateKey } = WalletCore.getAccount(
Generate an address using a custom derivation path.
string - The coin typederivationPath
string - Derivation path to be used when generating the address- Returns
string - The correspoding public addresspublicKey
string - The public key
const transactionHash = WalletCore.signTransactionForCoin(
chainID: '0x01',
amount: '0x0348bca5a16000',
nonce: '0x00',
toAddress: '0xC37054b3b48C3317082E7ba872d7753D13da4986',
privateKeyDerivationPath: "m/44'/60'/1'/0/0", // optional - otherwise default address is used
Generate and retrieve the default address for a coin. The address is generated using the default derivation path of a coin.
string - The coin typeinput
string the payload to be signed, stringified JSON or raw byte protobuf- Returns
string - the hash of the signed data
const transactionHash = WalletCore.signData(
Generic sign function for any raw data byta array.
string - The coin typepayload
string - raw bytes to signderivationPath
string (optional) - Derivation path to use to get private key- Returns
string - the hash of the signed data
const mnemonic = WalletCore.getCurrentWalletMnemonic();
Gets the current loaded wallet mnemonic.
const biometricsState = WalletCore.getBiometricsState();
Get device's biometrics state
- Returns biometrics state enum
: device supports biometrics and is ready to authenticateavailable_locked
: device supports biometrics but is locked (e.g. too many failed attempts should trigger this state) (iOS only)unavailable
: device does not support biometrics or supports them but they are not enabled
promptTitle: 'Unlock wallet',
promptSubtitle: 'Please unlock your wallet',
useBiometrics: true,
Cleanup any previously loaded wallet from persistent storage and memory.
object - contains the possible paramspromptTitle
string (optional) - The title for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationpromptSubtitle
string (optional) - The subtitle for the native dialog when requesting biometric authenticationuseBiometrics
boolean (optional) (default: false) - If you imported a wallet with theuseBiometrics
flag, you need to set it here too in order to be able to load it
Cleanup any previously loaded wallet from memory and also deletes any stored seed.
Transfers any seed stored without biometric security to require biometric authentication.
Transfers any seed stored with biometric security to NOT require biometric authentication.
Android Instructions
Once you add this library to your Android project you might get some errors, you need to modify the android compilation process a bit.
The underlaying C++ wallet-core library depends on the C++ STL, this might cause some Android error not being able to select a c++_shared library.
On the apps build.gradle (android/app/build.gradle
), you can force the gradle build process to just pick one.
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/x86/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86/libTrustWalletCore.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/libTrustWalletCore.so'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libTrustWalletCore.so'
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libTrustWalletCore.so'
Updating Wallet-Core embedded .AAR
brew install boost
brew install cmake
git clone [email protected]:trustwallet/wallet-core.git
cd wallet-core
You need to modify the build gradle file to add prefab functionality (exposes C++ symbols to Android C++ builds)
It is also necessary to modify the CMakeLists to expose the generated symbols
There is a patch file in the /scripts directory in this repo with the changes you need to make
Then generate the .AAR file (from the `android` folder) with:
./bootstrap.sh # Generates all the protobuf classes and what not
BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost/1.78.0_1/include ./gradlew build
Then place the generated aar on this repo under android/libs/
You can then try to compile the example app
cd example && yarn android
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.