olojs store backed by IPFS
This is an olojs document store based on IPFS.
Getting started
Install via npm:
npm install @onlabsorg/ipfs-store
Create an IPFS store:
const IPFS = require('ipfs-core');
const ipfs = await IPFS.create();
const {IPFSStore} = require('..');
const store = new IPFSStore(ipfs, CID); // CID is a valid IPFS directory content id
Read the IPFS store content:
const source = await store.read('/path/to/doc'); // returns ipfs://<CID>/path/to/doc
const items = await store.list('/path/to/dir'); // returns the array of child names of ipfs://<CID>/path/to/dir/
Of course write
, delete
and deleteAll
operations are not allowed, being
the files stored on IPFS read-only. In order to modify an IPFS store, you can
clone it to an olojs MemoryStore, modify it and add it again to IPFS.
const clone = await store.clone('/'); // you can clone just a subdir if you want
const newCID = await IPFSStore.create(ipfs, clone);
Notice that cloning+adding does not modify the original directory, but it creates a new one instead.
Use ipfs-store as stilo plugin
When installed as stilo plugin, this library adds the /ipfs
route to
your stilo hub.
In order to install olojs-cli
as stilo plugin, type the following command
from your stilo package root:
stilo install @onlabsorg/ipfs-store
Once you installed it, you can fetch, render or list the olojs documents stored on IPFS. Example:
stilo read /ipfs/QmQnEkNLoSHWDukHoW7J8gFbikx6eGWx2FGv5t1nxo8Wy7/helloworld
stilo list /ipfs/QmQnEkNLoSHWDukHoW7J8gFbikx6eGWx2FGv5t1nxo8Wy7
stilo render /ipfs/QmQnEkNLoSHWDukHoW7J8gFbikx6eGWx2FGv5t1nxo8Wy7/helloworld
Of course the ipfs:
protocol will be available also in your olojs documents:
<% hw = import '/ipfs/QmQnEkNLoSHWDukHoW7J8gFbikx6eGWx2FGv5t1nxo8Wy7/helloworld'
This software is released under the ISC license.
Related projects
- olojs is a distributed content management system
- [viewer] is a web client for rendering olojs documents in the browser
- olowiki is a web interface that allows creating and modifying olojs documents
- stilo is a command-line interface written in NodeJS that allows you to create and mange local olojs document repositories.