1sol protocol sdk
Onesol SDK
Onesol SDK is designed to be easier to use.
Getting routes for a given token pair, getting transactions for one route, signing and excuting transactions, then it's all done.
→ STEP #0
yarn add @onesol/onesol-sdk
→ STEP #1
Load OnesolProtocol instance
import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";
const SOLANA_RPC_ENDPOINT = 'https://mainnet.rpcpool.com'
const connection = new Connection()
const onesolProtocol = new OnesolProtocol(connection)
→ STEP #2
Get supported token list
import {
} from '@onesol/onesol-sdk'
// export interface TokenInfo {
// readonly chainId: number;
// readonly address: string;
// readonly name: string;
// readonly decimals: number;
// readonly symbol: string;
// readonly logoURI?: string;
// readonly tags?: string[];
// readonly extensions?: TokenExtensions;
// readonly feeAccount?: string
// }
const tokenList: TokenInfo[] = await onesolProtocol.getTokenList()
→ STEP #3
Get routes form a given token pair
import {
} from '@onesol/onesol-sdk'
// interface Distribution {
// routeType: string,
// routes: Route[][],
// destinationTokenMint: {
// decimals: number,
// address: string
// },
// sourceTokenMint: {
// decimals: number,
// address: string
// },
// amountIn: number,
// amountOut: number,
// }
const routes: Distribution[] = await onesolProtocol.getRoutes({
amount: number, // amount of the input token(should be with input token decimail) e.g `10 * 10 ** 6`,
sourceTokenMintKey: string, // mint address of the input token
destinationTokenMintKey: string, // mint address of the output token
size: number, // number of the result
signal: AbortSignal // [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/AbortController) signal, if needed, it can be used to abort the fetch request
→ STEP #4
Get transactions for one route
import { Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js'
import {
} from '@onesol/onesol-sdk'
const transactions: Transaction[] = await onesolProtocol.getTransactions({
wallet: PublicKey,
distribution: Distribution, // one distribution from the results of the `getRoutes`
slippage: number, //default is 0.005
→ STEP #5
Sign these transactions and excute them to swap.