This packages contains the all common styles which are important to get #### started with any component which includes global variables, colors, common mixin
Welcome to OPC Style Library 👋
This packages contains the all common styles which are important to get started with any component which includes global variables, colors, common mixin etc.
Import the opc-style.scss into your style file
@import "@one-platform/opc-styles";
adding color theme to component with local css custom property use opc-get-var function Note: see function/_custom-properties.scss for full function documentation.
op-button.soft {
background-color: #{opc-get-var(BackgroundColor, $opc-color--blue-50, soft)};
color: #{opc-get-var(TextColor, $opc-color--blue-400, soft)};
border-color: #{opc-get-var(BorderColor, $opc-color--blue-400, soft)};
op-button.flat {
background-color: #{opc-get-var(BackgroundColor, $opc-color--blue-50, flat)};
color: #{opc-get-var(TextColor, $opc-color--blue-400, flat)};
border-color: transparent;
op-button.soft {
background-color: var(--opc-button__soft--BackgroundColor, #E7F1FA);
color: var(--opc-button__soft--TextColor, #0066CC);
border-color: var(--opc-button__soft--BorderColor, #0066CC);
op-button.flat {
background-color: var(--opc-button__flat--BackgroundColor, #E7F1FA);
color: var(--opc-button__flat--TextColor, #0066CC);
border-color: transparent;
Adding the Headings style to the component
Use the mixin which are defined in the headings.scss file e.g.
.app-heading {
@include heading--three
this will convert to the css
.app-heading {
font-family: var(--opc-global--Heading--font-Family, "RedHatDisplay");
font-size: 1.5rem;
font-weight: 500;
Using Spacing and Gaps to the component
use the global Gap and spacing variables to add space, these variables are using css pixel unit for distance which are defined in the variables/_1-definitions.scss file
🤝 Contributors
👤 Sumeet Ingole @gisumit
👤 Deepesh Nair @hybridx