A secure storage vault designed for Scroll, optimized for handling data blobs referred to as volumes.
Omega Volumes
A secure storage vault designed for Scroll, optimized for handling data "blobs" referred to as volumes.
Each volume is identified by its unique bounds within the Scroll, e.g. { byteOffset: 0, blockOffset: 0, blockLength: 5, byteLength: 327680 }
, which makes them easy to save and retrieve:
const volumes = new Volumes(scroll)
// ID is { byteOffset: 0, blockOffset: 0, blockLength: 1, byteLength: 11 }
const id = await volumes.put(Buffer.from('hello world', 'utf-8'))
await volumes.get(id) // Buffer.from('hello world', 'utf-8')
You can also get from start/end bounds within a single volume:
const volumes = new Volumes(scroll)
// ID is { byteOffset: 0, blockOffset: 0, blockLength: 1, byteLength: 11 }
const id = await volumes.put(Buffer.from('hello world', 'utf-8'))
await volumes.get(id, { start: 1, length: 2 }) // Buffer.from('el', 'utf-8')
If the volume is large, there's a Streams interface (createReadStream
and createWriteStream
) too.
Install Via L1FE's NPM
npm config set registry https://npm.l1fe.tech
npm install @omegajs/volumes
Install Via L1FE's Git Repository
git clone https://lab.l1fe.tech/omega/volumes.git
cd volumes
npm install
const Volumes = require('@omegajs/volumes')
const volumes = new Volumes(scroll, opts)
Create a new volume vault wrapping a single Scroll.
Options can include:
blockSize: 64KB // The block size that will be used when storing large volumes.
const id = await volumes.put(volume, opts)
Store a new volume. If the volume is large, it will be chunked according to opts.blockSize
(default 64KB).
Options can include:
blockSize: 64KB, // The block size that will be used when storing large volumes.
start: 0, // Relative offset to start within the volume
end: volume.length - 1, // End offset within the volume (inclusive)
length: volume.length, // Number of bytes to read.
scroll // A custom scroll to write (overrides the default scroll)
const content = await volumes.get(id, opts)
Return a complete volume as a Buffer
is the value returned by put
Options can include:
scroll, // A custom scroll to read from (overrides the default scroll)
wait: true, // Wait for block to be downloaded
timeout: 0 // Wait at max some milliseconds (0 means no timeout)
await volumes.clear(id, opts)
Remove a volume from the scroll.
are the same as Scroll.clear
const stream = volumes.createReadStream(id, opts)
Create a Readable stream that will yield the id
Options match the get
const stream = volumes.createWriteStream(opts)
Create a Writable stream that will save a volume.
The corresponding ID will be set on the stream at stream.id