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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A simple, no-nonsense logging package for NodeJS





Beautifully simple logging.


Really just because I wanted to. Feel free to use whatever logger you want, Winston, pino, bunyan, or anything else. This is just how I wanted my logs to look.

Okay, but why Ogma?

Name of the Celtic god of Wisdom and Eloquence. As I think these logs both look pretty and tell good information, I figured I would go with the name



To use Ogma, first you'll need to instantiate an instance of the Ogma class. You can pass in options to override the default if you would like as well. (options defined below). Ogma has eight different logging levels:

  • OFF: No logs are displayed through Ogma. console.log will still work
  • SILLY: For when you just want to type fun stuff but don't really want people to see it (usually). Colored with Magenta
  • VERBOSE: great for long strings of errors and things going on. Colored with Green
  • DEBUG: Just like the name implies, debugging! Colored with Blue
  • INFO: For normal logging, nothing special here. Colored with Cyan.
  • WARN: For errors about things that may be a problem. Colored with Yellow.
  • ERROR: For errors about things that are a problem. Colored with Red.
  • FATAL: Yeah, you should call someone at 3AM if this log ever shows up. Colored with Red.

When discussing log levels, Ogma will print at the level provided and anything under the level as shown above, so if 'SILLY' is set, all logs will be shown; if 'WARN' is set as the logLevel, only 'WARN', 'ERROR', and 'FATAL' logs will be shown. The only exclusion to this rule is 'OFF', which prints nothing through Ogma.

When colors are enabled, the color mentioned above will be the color the level string is printed in.

There is also the printError method on the Ogma class thta takes care of printing the error's name under the ERROR level, the message under the WARN level, and the stack trace under the VERBOSE level.

Note: INFO is also aliased as LOG so ogma.log() works just like, but the log level will stay as "INFO" in both cases. The same goes for "VERBOSE" and "FINE" with "FINE" being the log level printed (for the sake of being concise). Lastly, 'ALL' can be used for all logs. This is the same as setting logLevel to 'SILLY'.

Adding Context and Application Name

If for tracing purposes you'd like to add a context to the log, or an application name, you can pass the context to the method related to the logLevel (such as ogma.debug('debug message, { context:, application: 'NestJS' }) and Ogma will print

[2019-12-19T23:01:23.900Z] [DEBUG] [hostname] [NestJS] 34760 [SomeClass] debug message

Note: If colors are enabled, hostname will print in magenta application will print in Yellow and context will print in Cyan.

When application and context are both present, Ogma will print your logs in a form as follows

[ISOString Date] [logLevel] [hostname] [Application] PID [Context] message

Examples can be seen below. The JSON structure follows the same form with log level and message being the last two properties.

Ogma Options

| name | type | use | | --- | --- | --- | | logLevel | one of the above log levels (default: INFO) | for determining this instance of Ogma's log level | | color | boolean (default: true) | determine if color should attempt to be used. NOTE: Ogma only does not use color if there is an explicit getColorDepth of 1 or NO_COLOR or NODE_DISABLE_COLOR is set | | stream | { write: (message: any) => void, getColorDepth?: () => number } | the output mechanism used to know how to write logs | | json | boolean (default: false) | print the logs in a JSON format | | context | string optional | a context for the Ogma class to work with. | | application | string optional | an application name for Ogma to print | | levelMap | an object with the above levels as the keys and strings as the vales | a way to provide custom log levels in the event that there are mappings the developer wants to support |

Using Files instead of a console

Note: Ogma will try to use colors if they are available, and by default will do so. If the current stream has a getColorDepth method, that will be used to determine the color's possible outputs. If you want to override this, to force colors you can use the FORCE_COLOR env variable (0,1,2,3) or to disable them you can use the NO_COLOR or NODE_DISABLE_COLOR env variable.

If you want to use a file to hold your logs instead of a console/terminal/bash you can pass in a stream of your own to the options like so:

import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';
import { Ogma } from '@ogma/logger';

const fileWriter = new Ogma({
  stream: createWriteStream('./server.log')

fileWriter.log('Logging to File');

JSON Logging

If the json option is passed as true then regardless of color Ogma will print your message along with system information in a single line JSON object (i.e. no newline characters). View the sample below to get a better idea of Ogma's output. Ogma will add an ool property to the JSON logs or Ogma Original Level. This is in case there is a custom levelMap passed and allows the CLI to still transform the output back into Ogma's standard format.

Applying color to Text

As of version 2, it is suggested to use the separate @ogma/styler package. This package is what Ogma uses under the hood to do the basic coloring, and will provide a cleaner and more verbose API.

Using the non-JSON mode, color is attempted to be applied by default. This is determined by checking the current environment (if there is a global process variable) and if there is, what stdout.getColorDepth() returns. If a custom stream is passed instead, a getColorDepth method can be added to the stream object which should return a 1, 4, 8, or 24. If no getColorDepth() is present, but the color option is true, Ogma will set the method to return 4 for you. If you want to disable colors completely, you can either set color to be false or you can set the NO_COLOR environment variable.

Example of what the logs look like

I said the logs were beautiful, and to me they absolutely are. Each log is matched with a timestamp in ISO format, the log level, a pipe character, and then the message, for easier searching if needed. If a JSON is passed to Ogma, a new line will separate the JSON and the original log line, but the timestamp and level will not be duplicated. Ogma also will print '[Function]' if a function is found or '[Circular]' is a circular reference is found.

# ogma.log('hello')
[2019-12-11T22:54:58.462Z] [INFO]  [hostname] 34760 hello

# ogma.log({a: () => 'hello', b: {c: 'nested'}, d: this});
[2019-12-11T22:56:02.502Z] [INFO]  [hostname] 34760
  "a": "[Function]",
  "b": {
    "c": "nested"
  "d": {
    "global": "[Circular]",
    "clearInterval": "[Function]",
    "clearTimeout": "[Function]",
    "setInterval": "[Function]",
    "setTimeout": "[Function]",
    "queueMicrotask": "[Function]",
    "clearImmediate": "[Function]",
    "setImmediate": "[Function]",
    "__extends": "[Function]",
    "__assign": "[Function]",
    "__rest": "[Function]",
    "__decorate": "[Function]",
    "__param": "[Function]",
    "__metadata": "[Function]",
    "__awaiter": "[Function]",
    "__generator": "[Function]",
    "__exportStar": "[Function]",
    "__values": "[Function]",
    "__read": "[Function]",
    "__spread": "[Function]",
    "__spreadArrays": "[Function]",
    "__await": "[Function]",
    "__asyncGenerator": "[Function]",
    "__asyncDelegator": "[Function]",
    "__asyncValues": "[Function]",
    "__makeTemplateObject": "[Function]",
    "__importStar": "[Function]",
    "__importDefault": "[Function]"

Standard String Logging

JSON Logging


You can view the benchmark results against popular loggers here.