A tiny HTML rich text editor for React
A tiny HTML rich text editor for React, based on Fabian Vilers tiny-editor and Ophir Lojkine's react-contenteditable.
A complete rewrite of the above projects as React functional components.
The toolbar is based directly on tiny-editor. The ContentEditable component is a subset of react-contenteditable hard-coded to use a DIV element.
How to install
npm install @ogauk/react-tiny-editor
How to use (Typescript)
import React, { type FC } from 'react'
import ReactTinyEditor from '@ogauk/react-tiny-editor'
const App: FC<null> = () => {
return <ReactTinyEditor html='A <b>test</b> message' onChange={(html) => { console.log('app on change', html) }}/>
export default App
If you want a smaller bundle and don't mind sanitising the html yourself you can:
import { ReactReallyTinyEditor as ReactTinyEditor } from '@ogauk/react-tiny-editor'
How to use (Javascript)
import React from 'react'
import ReactTinyEditor from '@ogauk/react-tiny-editor'
export default function App() {
return <ReactTinyEditor html='A <b>test</b> message' onChange={(html) => { console.log('app on change', html) }}/>
The toolbar can be customised. The default toolbar is:
style font bold italic underline | justifyleft justifycenter justifyright | bullist numlist outdent indent | clear
Pass a string to the options property of the editor to re-order or omit some tool items or to add/remove separators
You can also pass an onBlur callback to the editor.