Stencil js client package provides a store to lookup protobuf descriptors and options to keep the protobuf descriptors upto date.
Stencil nodejs client
Stencil nodejs client package provides a store to lookup protobuf descriptors and options to keep the protobuf descriptors upto date.
It has following features
- Ability to refresh protobuf descriptors in specified intervals
- Support to download descriptors from multiple urls
npm install --save @odpf/stencil
Creating a client
const { Stencil } = require('stencil');
const url = 'http://url/to/proto/descriptorset/file';
const client = await Stencil.getInstance(url, {
shouldRefresh: true,
refreshInterval: 43200 // 12 hrs
Creating a multiURLClient
const { MultiURLStencil } = require('stencil');
const url1 = 'http://url/to/proto/descriptorset/file';
const url2 = 'http://url/to/proto/descriptorset/file2';
const client = await MultiURLStencil.getInstance([url1, url2], {
shouldRefresh: true,
refreshInterval: 43200 // 12 hrs
Get proto descriptor type
const { Stencil } = require('stencil');
const url = 'http://url/to/proto/descriptorset/file';
const client = await Stencil.getInstance(url, {
shouldRefresh: false
const type = client.getType('google.protobuf.DescriptorProto');
Encode/Decode message
Let's say we want to encode message for below proto message defniniton
syntax = "proto3";
package test;
message One {
int64 field_one = 1;
const { Stencil } = require('stencil');
const url = 'http://url/to/proto/descriptorset/file';
const client = await Stencil.getInstance(url, {
shouldRefresh: false
const type = client.getType('test.One');
// Encode
const msg = { field_one: 10 };
const errs = type.verify(msg);
if errs {
throw new Error(`unable to serialize message: ${errs}`);
const encodedBuffer = type.encode(msg).finish();
// Decode
const decodedType = type.decode(encodedBuffer);
Setting up development environment
Prerequisite Tools
Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/odpf/stencil $ cd stencil/clients/js
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run the tests. All of the tests are written with jest.
$ npm test
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags.
Stencil node client is released under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE