A tiny state manager writter in Rescript
Yet another global state manager.
Yes, it's done with push/sub
Yes, it's simple
Yes, it's made with Rescript
Why chosing it?
- Simple, really simple
- It's made with Rescript! ❤️
- It's very tiny
- Has
files for your js/ts apps - Built both for commonjs and es6 spec
yarn add @octod/thestate
If you are a js/ts dev, it's done. If you are using rescript (and I recommend it!), add the dependency to your bsconfig.json file
"bs-dependencies": [
creating your first store (rescript)
You have four functions to know:
- make, creates a store
- getstate, returns a store's value
- mutation, registers a mutation and returns a mutating function
- listen, adds a listener to all mutations in a single store
let store = 100->Thestate.make
let increment = store->Thestate.mutation((state, payload) => state + payload)
let unsubscribelistener = store->Thestate.listen(state => Js.Console.log(state))
increment(100) // logs 200
store->Thestate.getstate->Js.Console.log // logs 200
increment(100) // does not log anymore, we have unsubscribed before
creating your first store (js/ts)
import * as thestate from 'thestate';
const store = thestate.make(100);
const increment = thestate.mutation(store, (state: number, payload: number) => state + payload);
const unsubscribelistener = thestate.listen(store, console.log);
increment(100) // logs 200
console.log(thestate.getstate(store)) // logs 200
increment(100) // does not log anymore, we have unsubscribed before
using it with react (rescript)
// create your store normally
let store = 100->Thestate.make
// maybe with some mutations is better
let increment = store->Thestate.mutation((state, payload) => state + payload)
module Increment = {
let make = () => <button onClick={_ => increment(1)}> {"increment"->React.string} </button>
module Count = {
let make = () => {
let count = store->Thestate.useState
{`current state is ${count->Belt.Int.toString}`->React.string}
module Counter = {
let make = () => {
<Count />
<Increment />
using it with react (js/ts)
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import * as thestate from '@octod/thestate';
const store = thestate.make(100)
const increment = thestate.mutation(store, (a: number, b: number) => a + b);
const Increment = () => {
return (
<button onClick={() => increment(1)}>
const Count = () => {
const count = thestate.useState(store)
return (
<>{`current state is ${count}`}</>
const Counter = () => {
return (
<Count />
<Increment />
Contributions are really welcome
Any kind of contribution is really welcome, so don't be shy!