Utilities to enhance and organize complex sets of data on top of simple key/value systems like localStorage.
Utilities to enhance and organize complex sets of data on top of simple key/value systems like localStorage.
The primary goals of this module are:
- to eliminate "loose strings" that tend to accompany complex storage mechanisms
- to flatten complex data sets into atomic key/value pairs that can be persisted on any synchronous / asynchronous / local / remote transport layers.
The benefits of this module really kick in for large, complex datasets that may need to persist across multiple transports.
If you just need to save 3 string values to localStorage, you probably don't need this module.
- npm:
npm install --save @obsidize/storage-context
- git:
npm install --save git+https://github.com/jospete/obsidize-storage-context.git
import { BrowserStorageTransport, StorageContext } from '@obsidize/storage-context';
const browserTransport = new BrowserStorageTransport(localStorage);
const baseContext = new StorageContext(browserTransport);
const context = baseContext.getSubContext('namespace_for_your_feature');
const userEmail = context.getKeyValuePair('userEmail');
console.log(userEmail.absoluteKey); // 'namespace_for_your_feature$userEmail';
const userId = context.createEntity<number>('userId');
console.log(userId.keyValuePair.absoluteKey); // 'namespace_for_your_feature$userId';
const emailValue = await userEmail.load('Does Not Exist');
console.log(emailValue); // 'Does Not Exist'
await userEmail.save('[email protected]');
const emailValue2 = await userEmail.load('Does Not Exist');
console.log(emailValue2); // '[email protected]'
const userIdValue = await userId.load(-1);
console.log(userIdValue); // -1
await userId.save(42);
const userIdValue2 = await userId.load(-1);
console.log(userIdValue2); // 42
console.log(typeof userIdValue2); // 'number'
See the Example Usage Spec to get a general feel for what this module can do.
See the Native Proxy Spec for an example of hot-swapping transports.
Source documentation can be found here