atlas tool for oasis engine
Atlas tool for oasis engine
Usage in terminal
npm i @oasis-engine/tool-atlas -g
2、Use command in terminal
2.1、pack or p
Pack images to atlas
// Pack images to atlas.
oasis-tool-atlas p ./atlas-test/111 -f oasis -o outputName -p 2
// Option help.
oasis-tool-atlas p -h
Options detail
| option | instruction | | --- | --- | |f/format|the format for atlas (default: "oasis")| |o/output|output atlas filename (default: "oasis")| |a/algorithm|the algorithm for pack (default: "maxrects")| |ar/allowRotate|mark whether image allow rotate when pack (default: false)| |p/padding|between images (default: 1)| |mw/maxWidth|the texture max width (default: 1024)| |mh/maxHeight|the texture max height (default: 1024)| |s/square|the texture size forced square (default: false)| |pot|the texture size forced power of 2 (default: false)|
2.2、formatConversion or fc
Convert other atlas formats to oasis atlas
// Convert other atlas formats to oasis atlas.
oasis-tool-atlas fc -t texture-packer -o oasis-atlas
// Option help.
oasis-tool-atlas fc -h
Options detail
| option | instruction | | --- | --- | |t/type|atlas format (default: "texture-packer")| |o/output|the name of output (default: "oasis-atlas")|
Usage in node project
npm i @oasis-engine/tool-atlas --save
2、Call api
const core = require("@oasis-engine/tool-atlas");
// Pack images to atlas.
const imageFiles = [ // the images to pack
core.pack(imageFiles, {
format: 'oasis', // the format for atlas (default: "oasis")
output: 'oasis', // output atlas filename (default: "oasis")
algorithm: 'maxrects', // the algorithm for pack (default: "maxrects")
allowRotate: false, // mark whether image allow rotate when pack (default: false)
padding: 1, // between images (default: 1)
maxWidth: 1024, // the texture max width (default: 1024)
maxHeight: 1024, // the texture max height (default: 1024)
square: false, // the texture size forced square (default: false)
pot: false, // the texture size forced power of 2 (default: false)
}).then((ret) => {
ret = {
"code": 0, // return 0 if success
"msg": '', // if code not 0, msg is the error info
"info": {
"imageFile": "", // the absolute path of the image file
"atlasFile": "", // the absolute path of the atlas file
// Convert other atlas formats to oasis atlas.
const filePath = "./test.json"; // the file exported by texture packer
core.formatConversion(filePath, {
"type": texture-packer, // atlas format
"output": oasis-atlas // the name of output