The Node.js service library for Ozone (Node 8+)
The Node.js service library for Ozone (Node 8+)
What is it
In principle, this package acts as an asynchronous wrapper for the Ozone package. It's goal is to provide the ability to modify and update it's instance based on external intents and state updates.
Before installing, make sure your system is qualified to use the Ozone subsystem by checking out the Ozone readme. In short, as long as you are running a modern Unix-like operating system or environment, Ozone should be able to run.
To use the ozone service package, install this as a dependency for your npm project
npm (latest)
npm i -S @o3/service
git (latest)
git clone https://github.com/flynnham/ozone-service.git
Be sure to configure Ozone to recognize your service otherwise it won't be loaded.
Assuming a live Ozone core instance is running, the first step to starting an Ozone service is to await the ozone service initializer.
const ozoneService = require('@o3/service/init');
// Because we are using async we need to (unfortunately) wrap the context in order to use it
(async function(){
// Let's attempt to start the service
const service = await ozoneService();
// now that the service is running, let's include the base state and intents
const { state, intent } = require('@o3/service');
// tell the core we are ready (needs to be ready before any intents are recieved)
await state.ready();
Full examples avaliable here
The above code will do the absolute minimum required to start a properly configured Ozone service. Once we know it's been configured we can start sending intents and working with the multi-instance state.
async state.ready()
Waits for the core to signal that services are now ready
state.addListener(name, callback(state))
Adds a listener to the core global context. Each listener should have a unique name so it can be remved when needed.
Removes a state listener by name
state.update(key, mutator function(currentState))
Updates the state specified by the key. Mutator is a function that must return a
modified or new version of the old state. Key must exactly match the state
defined with the service configuration.
intent.send([ name, data || {} ],...)
Sends a list of intentions all with their own unique set of data. This arrives to the core
as a bundle and are processed as such. Data must be of type Object
intent.addListener(intent, callback(data))
Listens for a properly configured intention and will run based on the code. In future versions, name will also be of type Array, allowing for multiple listeners.