A Nx Plugin to simplify and improve NestJS and Angular Universal integration and development.
A Nx plugin to integrate a NestJS server with a server side rendered Angular application.
From a conceptual point of view the NestJS server incorporates an Angular Universal application that will be reached on
The server uses the AngularUniversalModule provided
by @nxarch/nest-nguniversal
The setup for both applications can be tedious and error-prone. This library takes care of the entire setup and provides
an executor for a good DX.
- You need a NestJS application and an Angular application in the same workspace.
- Nx Version >= 14.0.0
npm i @nxarch/ng-nest
yarn add @nxarch/ng-nest
Use the provided generator to setup all files. If you don't have an Angular and a NestJS app refer to this part on how to generate these applications.
yarn nx generate @nxarch/ng-nest:init --ssrApp=my-angular-project --serverApp=my-nestjs-project
App Start
Use the added script in the package.json.
yarn dev:server
Setup Nx apps (if not already setup)
Use this command to quickly scaffold a new workspace with an Angular and a NestJS application.
npx create-nx-workspace --preset angular-nest
Setup an Angular app and a NestJS app in an existing Nx workspace.
yarn add --dev @nrwl/angular @nrwl/nest
yarn nx generate @nrwl/angular:app
yarn nx generate @nrwl/nest:app
You can configure the plugin with these properties.
Use them in server projects project.json: targets -> serve-ssr -> options
| Property | Type | Description |
| browserTarget
| string | The target name of your browser target (already configured after setup) |
| ssrTarget
| string | The target name of your ssr target (already configured after setup) |
| serveTarget
| string | The target name of your server target (already configured after setup) |
| host
| string? | Browsersync host (default: localhost) |
| port
| number? | The browsersync port (default: 4200) |
| ssl
| boolean? | Enable ssl on browsersync (default: false) |
| sslKey
| string? | SSL key to use if ssl is enabled |
| sslCert
| string? | SSL cert to use if ssl is enabled |
| proxyConfig
| string? | A possible proxy config for browsersync |
| openBrowser
| boolean? | Enable if a browser window should open on app startup (default: true) |
| browsers
| string[]? | Specify which browsers to open on app startup (default is your default system browser) (e.g. ["Google Chrome"]) |
| serverAutoSync
| boolean? | You can disable server auto sync if you want to take care of reloading browsersync after server changes. User triggerReload() function to trigger browsersync reloads. (default: true) |
| disableBrowserSync
| boolean? | Disable browsersync entirely (default: false) |
For configuring the AngularUniversalModule refer
to @nxarch/nest-nguniversal
When using Angulars http client make sure to set an absolute url. Or use an Interceptor to prepend a base path on the server side.
// don't
hello$ = this.http.get<Message>('/api/hello');
// do
hello$ = this.http.get<Message>('http://localhost:4200/api/hello');