A Nx Powerpack plugin which provides the ability to configure and maintain codeowners for projects in Nx workspaces.
This package is part of the Nx Powerpack extensions for Nx.
This plugin provides the ability to configure and maintain codeowners for projects in Nx workspaces.
Use of this package is governed by the following LICENSE. Please be sure to read through the license carefully before using this plugin.
This license is also included in the package in a LICENSE
Use Case
The atomic unit of code in an Nx workspace is a project. Tasks, module boundaries and the Nx graph all train us to conceptualize the workspace as a collection of projects. The CODEOWNERS file, however, requires you to switch from a project mental model to a more low-level definition based on the folder structure of your workspace. The @nx/powerpack-owners plugin enables you to stay in the mental model that your workspace is a collection of projects as you define the ownership rules for your workspace. Nx will take care of compiling the project ownership rules into file-based ownership rules that GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab can understand in the CODEOWNERS file.