Limiters for the NX compiler util.
This repository contains a collection of rate limiters for the compiler utility. It creates an registers the following limiters.
- if: Has one parameter. If the parameter is falsy, the event handler won't be called.
- delay: Has a number parameter and delays the event handler by that many milliseconds. The delay is 200 milliseconds by default.
- debounce: Has a number parameter and causes the event handler to only execute, if the event doesn't happen for at least that many milliseconds. The parameter is 200 milliseconds by default.
- throttle: Has a number parameter and causes the event handler to execute only if it didn't execute in the last interval. The parameter is 200 - milliseconds by default.
- key: Only handles the event if it matches with one of the keys provided as arguments. If the event is not a keyboard event, this limiter has no effect. For the name of special keys see this page.
You can learn more about NX rate limiters here.