<a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nx-extend/e2e-runner" rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://badgen.net/npm/v/@nx-extend/e2e-runner" alt="@nx-extend/e2e-runner NPM package"> </a>
Nx plugin to start your API and then run the Cypress/Playwright E2E tests.
npm install -D @nx-extend/e2e-runner
nx g @nx-extend/e2e-runner:add
Available options:
All options of @nrwl/cypress:cypress are available here if runner = cypress All options of @nx-extend/playwright:test are available here if runner = playwright All options of @nx/workspace:run-commands are available here if runner = run-commands
Target options:
The targets
option is used to define targets that should be started before running the tests.
Each target can be configured with the following options.
target: string // The target to run.
checkUrl?: string // The url to check if the target is "live", a target is live if this url returns a status-code in the 200 range.
checkMaxTries?: number // The amount of times the `checkUrl` is tried before failing, there is a two second delay between tries.
env?: { [key: string]: string } // Extra parameters provided to the target on startup.
reuseExistingServer?: boolean // Set to true to allow using a previously started target.
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean // Set to false to allow the use of self-signed certificates in your target.
logging?: boolean // Set to true to forwards the logs of the target, set to false to hide the logs of the target. When undefined, the logs are only forwarded with the `--verbose` flag.
Example target
"e2e": {
"executor": "@nx-extend/e2e-runner:run",
"options": {
"runner": "playwright | cypress | run-commands | @nx/playwright",
"targets": [
"target": "app:serve",
"checkUrl": "http://localhost:4200/",
"checkMaxTries": 50,
"rejectUnauthorized": true
"target": "api:serve",
"checkUrl": "http://localhost:9000/health",
"checkMaxTries": 50,
"logging": false