Making react forms easy - A connection of MUI and React Hook Form
Creating forms in React is harder then one might think 🙈. After a lot of trying we settled on a solution we are quite happy with. We basically use the awesome work of the following three packages in order to provide easy to use translatable form elements:
The aim of this package is to provide an easy to use wrapper connecting these packages.
This is a basic example on how to use this package.
import { LocalizationProvider } from "@mui/x-date-pickers";
import { AdapterDayjs } from "@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs";
interface DemoFormData {
text: string;
autoComplete: string;
datetime: string;
select: string;
hint: boolean;
function App(): JSX.Element {
const form = useHookForm<DemoFormData>();
return (
<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
<HookFormProvider {...form}>
<Stack spacing={3}>
<InputCheckbox formField={{ name: form.fieldName("hint") }} />
<InputText formField={{ name: form.fieldName("text") }} />
formField={{ name: form.fieldName("select") }}
{ label: "Peter", value: "Peter", group: "Male" },
{ label: "Paul", value: "Paul", group: "Male" },
{ label: "Angela", value: "Angela", group: "Female" },
{ label: "Mary", value: "Mary", group: "Female" },
<InputDateTimePicker formField={{ name: form.fieldName("datetime") }} />
loadingButtonProps={{ variant: "contained" }}
What we offer
This package includes basic input components and some helpers to make your life easier.
Input components
We provide a bunch of form elements that can be used in a React Hook Form Context:
- InputText
- InputSelect
- InputSelectFromEnum
- InputRadio
- InputCheckbox
- InputEmail
- InputPasswordSet
- InputDateTimePicker
- InputAutoComplete
React Hook Form Enhancements
We also provide very slightly enhanced versions of
- FormProvider replacement HookFormProvider
- useForm replacement useHookForm
- useFormContext replacement useHookFormContext
Little helpers
And some little helpers:
- Turn async submit handlers in synchronous ones: syncSubmit
Loading Button
And a special goodie. An easy to use loading button with some helper to retrieve its status 🧠: