Breadcrumbs plugin for Vue2 with parent support and dynamic templates
DH Breadcrumbs plugin
npm install --save @nst0tsky-dev/vue2-dynamic-breadcrumbs
Use the meta.breadcrumb: property of a route or child route, e.g.: breadcrumb property can be:
- as a string for render as plain text
- vue template for custom markup
Also, breadcrumb has dynamic parent support, that will search by route name and insert before breadcrumb iterator. For example, we have a case when we cant insert route as a child of one => we can directly set a parent of the route for correct render of a breadcrumbs hierarchy.
meta: {
breadcrumb: "Account dashboard"
path: "/:accountId",
component: AccountDetails,
children: [
name: "accountHome",
path: "",
component: AccountDashboard,
meta: {
breadcrumb: {
template: () => import("@/components/dh-breadcrumbs/accountTemplate"),
parent: "accounts"
path: "/:isBuy?",
name: "accounts",
component: Accounts,
meta: {
breadcrumb: {
template: () => import("@/components/dh-breadcrumbs/accountListTemplate")
Get breadcrumbs
After import plugin, we will have access to breadcrumbs structure with render hierarchy via property $breadcrumb
computed: {
breadcrumbs() {
const { $breadcrumbs } = this;
return $breadcrumbs;
Breadcrumb context
Every breadcrumb has a unique context(which you can use in render template) relative to his root-view-page (not absolute root) e.g:
- we entered to route by path
and has 4 route matches like:- /:accountId
- /:accountId/audience
- /:accountId/audience/:profileId
- /:accountId/audience/:profileId/campaigns
So context key will be
We can bind context on every vue component via call method bindContext of instance $breadcrumbManager (that will be bind in page-context and will be available in all hierarchy of breadcrumbs hierarchy) eg:
watch: {
contactProfile: {
immediate: true,
handler(newState) {
if (!newState) return;
this.$breadcrumbsManager.bindContext("fullName", newState.profile.fullName);
and using it after previous step inside breadcrumb template as:
<div class="dh-breadcrumbs__item dh-breadcrumbs-account-list">
:to="{ name: breadcrumb.name, params: breadcrumb.params, query: breadcrumb.query }"
>{{ subscriberName }}</router-link>
export default {
props: ["breadcrumb"],
computed: {
subscriberName() {
const { context } = this.breadcrumb;
return context.fullName;