A react component that provides GIS utilities
nquiringminds GIS component
This library provides a React component for rendering geographical data using deck.gl. It supports the following layer types:
- Geojson
- Scatter layer
- Line layer
- Hexbin layer
- Heatmap layer
Data can either be loaded from a provided list of data sources, using a provided loading function, or drag and dropped into the browser.
npm i @nqminds/gis
Note: you must install the peer dependencies of the library in order to use it.
import {Gis} from "@nqminds/gis;
function GisView() {
const dataSources = [
{name: "some file", id: "some-id"}, // You must provide a unique id and a name for each data source
async function loadData(dataSource) { // An asynchronous function that returns the data for a data source
const data = await getData(dataSource.id); // The loadData function will be called with an object from dataSources
return data;
return <GisView dataSources={dataSources} loadData={loadData} mapBoxToken="" />
dataSources: (optional) Array of data sources available, each element should be an object with at least a name property and a unique id property.
loadData: (optional) A function that handles retrieving the data for a dataSource. It will be called with an entry from dataSources.
mapBoxToken: (required) A map box api token.
darkMode: (optional, default true) Determines which map variant to use.
defaultLayers: (optional) Array of settings for layers to initialise the map with, by default any layers passed here will be active. See defaultLayers below
enableControls: (optional, default true) Determines whether configuration will be available to the user
initialViewState: (optional) Allows setting initial latitude, longitude, pitch, zoom, maxZoom, and bearing
onClick: (optional) callback function passed to deckGL, for documentation see https://deck.gl/docs/api-reference/core/deck#onclick
onViewStateChange: (optional) bacllback function passed to deckGL, for documentation see https://deck.gl/docs/api-reference/core/deck#onviewstatechange
cursorStyle: (optional) Mouse cursor style to be applied while GIS component moused-over. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor
You can see the examples by cloning this repository and running:
npm i && npm run storybook
Configuring default layers
Default layers are specified in the following way:
import { layerTypes } from "@nqminds/gis";
const defaultLayer = {
name: "my default layer",
data: [], // An array of objects that will provide the data for the layer
type: layerTypes.line, // A valid layer type, recommended to use the layerTypes export
properties: {}, // The properties with which to configure the layer
active: boolean // Defaulted to true, defines whether the layer is active
A property string refers to a path within the object, see the deck.gl documentation for a full description of the properties.
Geojson layer properties
- opacity: 0-1
- stroked: boolean, draws lines
- filled: boolean
- lineColor: property string, rgb array, or function
- fillColor: property string, rgb array, or function
Scatter layer properties
- radiusScale: number
- fillColor: property string, rgb array, or function
- filled: boolean
- radius: number
- x: property string
- y: property string
Line layer properties
- opacity: 0-1
- color: property string, rgb array, or function
- sourceX: property string
- sourceY: property string
- targetX: property string
- targetY: property string
Hex bin properties
- x: property string
- y: property string
- elevationScale: number
- radius: number
- extruded: boolean
- coverage: number
Heatmap layer
- x: property string
- y: property string
- radiusPixels: number
- intensity: number
- colorRange: array [property string, rgb array, or function]
- weight: number
Icon layer
- x: property string
- y: property string
- getIcon: function //returns either ""marker", "filled" or "error"
- sizeScale: number
- color: property string, rgb array, or function
- cluster: boolean