Stream changes from CouchDB via the /_changes api
Forked from https://github.com/jcrugzz/changes-stream
A fault tolerant changes stream with builtin retry.
Inspired by [follow
Attaching a 'readable' listener is not supported (yet).
$ npm install @npmcorp/changes-stream --save
# Standup a container with a CouchDB instance
$ npm run docker:fresh
$ npm test
# To enable debug logging from ./index.js:
$ DEBUG=changes-stream npm test
Alternatively, use COUCH_URI
to point to an existing CouchDB.
$ COUCH_URI=http://user:[email protected]:5984/changes_stream_db \
npm test
Options to customize _changes
// full database URL
db: 'http://localhost:5984/my_db',
// Can also be longpoll technically but not currently implemented
feed: 'continuous',
// Can be a defined couchdb view, a local filter function or an array of IDs
filter: 'docs/whatever',
// How long to wait before retrying the request
inactivity_ms: 60 * 60 * 1000,
// How long (in milliseconds) CouchDB should wait for a change before closing
// the feed
timeout: undefined,
// http timeout
requestTimeout: 2 * 60 * 1000,
// http agent
agent: undefined,
// update sequence to start from, 'now' will start it from latest
since: 0,
// how often (in milliseconds) we want couchdb to send us a heartbeat message
heartbeat: 30 * 1000,
// { main_only | all_docs }
// Specifies how many revisions are returned in the changes array. The default,
// main_only, will only return the current “winning” revision; all_docs will
// return all leaf revisions (including conflicts and deleted former conflicts.)
style: 'main_only',
// whether or not we want to return the full document as a property
include_docs: false,
// custom arbitrary params to send in request e.g. { hello: 'world' }
query_params: {},
// switch the default HTTP method to POST (cannot be used with a filter array)
use_post: false