Stripe core
Stripe Service
Available methods
- createCardPaymentMethod: creates a payment method
- attachPaymentMethodToCustomer: attach payment method to existent customer
- detachPaymentMethodFromCustomer: detach payment method from existent customer
- getCouponData: retrieves a specific coupon
- getPaymentIntent: retrieves a payment intent
- createPaymentIntent: creates a payment intent
- createCustomer: creates a customer
- createSetupIntent: creates a setup intent
- retrieveFirstPaymentMethodFromCustomer: retrieves the first payment method of an existent customer
- refund: refunds a payment intent
Usage examples
yarn add @novo-x/stripe
import {StripeService} from "@novo-x/stripe"
const MyService = new StripeService(
'123456789', // apiKey
apiVersion: '2020-08-27',
typescript: true,
}, // config,
const paymentMethod = await MyService.createCardPaymentMethod({
cardNumber: '1234123412341234',
expirationMonth: 07,
expirationYear: 2027,
cvc: '123'
const paymentMethod = await MyService.attachPaymentMethodToCustomer(
'123456789', // stripePaymentMethodId:
'123456789' // stripeCustomerId
const paymentMethod = await MyService.detachPaymentMethodFromCustomer(
'123456789' // stripePaymentMethodId
const coupon = await MyService.getCouponData(
'123456789' // couponId
const paymentIntent = await MyService.createPaymentIntent({
amount: 120,
paymentMethodId: '123456789',
currency: 'EUR',
statement: 'Smartphone purchase',
withConnectId: true,
stripeConnectId: '123456789',
fee: 10
const paymentIntent = await MyService.getPaymentIntent(
'123456789' // paymentIntentId
const customer = await MyService.createCustomer({
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Stripe Customer',
phone: '123456789'
const setupIntent = await MyService.createSetupIntent({
id: '123456789' // stripe customer's id (previously created)
const paymentMethod = await MyService.retrieveFirstPaymentMethodFromCustomer(
'123456789' // stripe customer's id
const refund = await MyService.refund({
amount: 10,
refundFee: true,
reason: 'Requested by the customer',
paymentIntent: '123456789',
reverseTransfer: true