A google drive listing tool
A google drive listing tool
- Authentication to google api using Oauth2 or service account
- List shared drive
- List file in a google drive folder
- List recursively a google drive folder
- Use advanced filter and query to list google drive folder
- Download files from a google drive folder and export native google drive files to pdf (default)
- Download tool can upload directly the files on a S3 bucket.
# Install globaly
npm i -g @novadiscovery/listdrive
# Or use npx
npx @novadiscovery/listdrive --help
The download to s3 feature use classic environnement permission for aws (instance profile, local credential, environnement variable, etc.)
The read and download feature on google drive require a configuration file at a standard location (eg. .listdriverc
or ~/.config/listdrive/config
). See rc file documentation for more details.
Here a sample file (json with comment):
// This file contain required configuration for listdrive
// See https://www.npmjs.com/package/rc about the possible location for this
// file and how value will be merged if you have more than one configuration
// file on your filesystem.
// Authentication with google drive api can use two different strategy.
// For both both them, you'll need first to create first a dedicated project
// on google developer console in order to use google api.
// For now, only one scope is required:
// - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly
// Notice that this project probably already exists: reach your system
// administrator first before creating another project.
// The two strategy are:
// - Oauth: authentication using a user token, in which case, listdrive
// will use a user account to read google drive. For this strategy,
// you need to fill the `clientId` and `clientSecret` below (or use a
// configuration file provided by your system administrator), then
// run `listdrive auth` to create a new token
// - Service Account: a service account is created directly on the developer
// console. It will create a virtual user with an email, and you can
// share specific ressource with this virtual user. The develope console
// allows you to download what you need to put in the service_account field.
google: {
// Strategy 1: Oauth
"clientId": "xxx",
"clientSecret": "xxx",
"tokens": {
// execute `listdrive auth` to create a new token
// Strategy 2: Service account
"service_account": {
// xxx
listdrive [command]
listdrive auth Run authentication process
listdrive list <folderId> List files in a folder
listdrive shared-drives List shared drives
listdrive download <folderId> Download has PDF files in a folder
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--dry [boolean]
--recursive, -R [boolean] [default: false]
--match Filter with minimatch pattern [string]
--query Append to file list query (see google drive api
--force-query Force the search query (you will have to ensure folder
matching and filtering) [string]
~/Git/nopnop/listdrive(branch:master*) »
listdrive auth
Run authentication process (to use the Oauth strategy):
listdrive auth
Please, visite this url and update config: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth?access_type=offline&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive.readonly&response_type=code&client_id=xxx
✔ Provide code: … xxxxxxxxxxx
access_token: 'xxxxx',
refresh_token: 'xxxxx',
scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly',
token_type: 'Bearer',
expiry_date: 0
listdrive list
# List file in a google drive folder identified by folder_id
# (see google drive url for folder_id)
listdrive list <folder_id>
# If the folder is in a shared drive, you need to provide
# the shared drive id too (see the url of the root
# shared drive folder)
# Notice that to list the root folder of a shared drive
# the folder_id is equal to the shared_drive_id
listdrive list <folder_id> --drive <shared_drive_id>
# List recursively (be carefull, can be slow)
listdrive list <folder_id> --recursive
# You can use --indent option to indent each file name
# according to the depth with two space (exemple with jq)
# to produce a natural file tree (you
# may not have access_type to the folder below)
listdrive list <folder_id> --drive <shared_drive_id> --recursive --indent | jq -r '.name'
# This can be usefull with spreadstream to create
# an indexed spreadsheet..
listdrive list <folder_id> --drive <shared_drive_id> | spreadstream --json --id <spreadsheet_id> --sheet index --replace
# Filter result with a minimatch wildcard
# Eg. List only file of folder with a name starting with `Welco`
listdrive list <folder_id> --drive <folder_id> --match 'Welco*'
# Append a subquery to the google api query:
# Exemple: Search for file in the folder containing hello
# see https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/search-files
listdrive list <folder_id> --query "fullText contains 'hello'"
# Low level query: Force all the query string
# (bypass recursive, folder id and drive id selection)
listdrive list <folder_id_but_not_used> --force-query "trashed = true and folder in xxxx and ..."
listdrive download
Download and export files
# Download file in folder id to the data folder
listdrive download <folder_id> --output data
# You can filder / append some query
listdrive download <folder_id> --output data --match "JOB*" --query "mimeType = application/pdf"
# The output target can be a s3 bucket
listdrive download <folder_id> --output s3://nova-sandbox-bucket/test/foo/bar
# By default, if the target is not older than the source,
# the file is ignored unless you force the download:
listdrive download <folder_id> --output data --force
# If you need to controle the target file names,
# you can provide a function exported by a
# node module or a js file (will use `require()`
# internally)
# This function received a google api drive file and must
# return a string.
# This project provide a slugifier renaming with mtime has
# an exemple:
listdrive download <folder_id> --output data --name-it '@novadiscovery/listdrive/src/name-it-mtime-slugify'
listdrive shared-drives
List shared drive:
listdrive shared-drives
{"kind":"drive#drive","id":"xxxx","name":"Open Share"}
{"kind":"drive#drive","id":"yyyy","name":"Another shared drive"}