Svelte Binding for the embeddable code editor CodeJar
Svelte Binding for the embeddable code editor CodeJar
See a demo at novacbn.github.io/svelte-codejar/demo
import {CodeJar} from "@novacbn/svelte-codejar";
let value = `console.log("Hello World!");`;
`CodeJar` options with their defaults
See more information at: https://github.com/antonmedv/codejar#getting-started
**NOTE**: Syntax highlighting is optional and must be provided by you. See the
sample below on how to use it
**NOTE2**: When setting `CodeJar.tab`, if you're using escape characters such
as `\t`, you need encapsulate it as a raw string (see below). Otherwise the Svelte
compiler will escape the value when it parses your code
<CodeJar addClosing={true} indentOn={/{$/} spellcheck={false} tab={"\t"} bind:value />
Syntax Highlighting
NOTE: The sample below uses highlight.js, see the link for more information.
<script context="module">
// We need to configure highlight.js for Javascript, and then alias the
// exports to match the function signatures that `CodeJar` Component expects
import hljs from "highlight.js/lib/core";
import javascript from "highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript";
hljs.registerLanguage("javascript", javascript);
// `highlight` takes the input code and returns the highlighted HTML markup
const highlight = (code, syntax) =>
hljs.highlight(code, {
language: syntax,
import {CodeJar} from "@novacbn/svelte-codejar";
let value = `console.log("Hello World!");`;
Now we pass `CodeJar` our syntax highlighting functions along with the
language syntax used for highlighting
We also need to pass the `hljs` class so highlight.js knows which element
to style
<CodeJar class="hljs" syntax="javascript" {highlight} {value} />
NOTE: The code is the same as above, but with PrismJS calls instead of highlight.js
<script context="module">
import Prism from "prismjs";
const highlight = (code, syntax) => Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[syntax], syntax);
import {CodeJar} from "@novacbn/svelte-codejar";
let value = `console.log("Hello World!");`;
<CodeJar syntax="javascript" {highlight} {value} />
SvelteKit — ReferenceError: window is not defined
When using the library with SvelteKit with SSR (serverside rendering) enabled you might get this error:
[vite] Error when evaluating SSR module /node_modules/codejar/codejar.js?v=4f67a3d5:
ReferenceError: window is not defined
Nothing much can do about that, CodeJar makes a window
assignment in its module scope. However you can do a workaround via onMount
or other similar workflows:
import {onMount} from "@novacbn/svelte-codejar";
export let value = "";
// **NOTE:** Since `onMount` is only called on the client, we can just
// make our import there. And assign to our Component's scope
let CodeJar;
onMount(async () => {
({CodeJar} = await import("@novacbn/svelte-codejar"));
{#if CodeJar}
<CodeJar bind:value />
**NOTE:** Normally the `CodeJar` Svelte handles fall through for us, and
renders / syntax highlights without an editor during SSR / non-JS enabled clients
Only downside being you have to manually syntax highlight your code in the {:else}
block for SSR / non-JS enabled clients.
Open your terminal and install via npm
npm install @novacbn/svelte-codejar
| Name | Typing | Default | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| addClosing | boolean
| true
| Sets whether the Editor automatically adds closing delimiters, like brackets, quotes, etc... |
| indentOn | RegExp
| /{$/
| Represents what expression is used to detect when the Editor needs to auto indent with the configured tab characters |
| spellcheck | boolean
| false
| Sets whether to enable the Browser's spellcheck or not |
| tab | string
| \t
| Sets the characters inserted whenever the end-user pressed the tab key |
| highlight | (code: string, syntax?: string) => string
| null
| Callback is called to highlight the current code and return the rendered HTML markup |
| syntax | string
| undefined
| Sets the current language mode of the Editor |
| value | string
| ""
| Sets the current text of the Editor |
| class | string
| ""
| Applies class=""
to the <pre>
container element |
| style | string
| undefined
| Applies style=""
to the <pre>
container element |
| Name | Typing | Description |
| -------- | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------- |
| change
| CustomEvent<{value: string}>
| Fires whenever the end-user changes the input |