Mongo Node.js Development Test Support Library
Handy-dandy Mongo integration testing utility that starts a local Docker container running Mongo if you're not running in a CI/CD pipeline.
This allows you to run integration tests locally in a manner similar to how they'd be run in the CI/CD pipeline.
This module does nothing when running in a CI build pipeline, because Mongo should be configured as part of the build via something like .gitlab-ci.yml
's services
This package is intended to be installed in your project in devDependencies
Your application must install its desired versions of mongodb
and/or mongoose.
NOTE: requires a Unix-y shell (
/usr/bin/env sh
) to be available. This is not designed to run on Windows; PRs/MRs welcome.
const { mongoConnect } = require('@northscaler/mongo-test-support')
const db = await mongoConnect()
// now you can do db.createCollection(), etc
// db.client is mongo client
Usage to work in both local environment & CI pipeline:
const { mongoConnect } = require('@northscaler/mongo-test-support')
const db = await mongoConnect(process.env.CI_COMMIT_SHA ? { host: 'mongo', port: 27017 } : undefined)
You can also drop collections:
const { dropCollections } = require('@northscaler/mongo-test-support')
await dropCollections({db}) // drops all collections
await dropCollections({db, names: ['foos', 'bars']}) // drops named collections
await dropCollections({db, names: []}) // no collections dropped
The default configuration is pretty conventional, with the sole exception of the default port that Mongo will listen on for clients.
Instead of 27017
, which might already be in use on developers' machines when they run integration tests, the default configuration uses 37017
It is a TODO
to search for an available port.
NOTE: This module detects when it's running in a CI/CD pipeline by seeing if the environment variable
is of nonzero length.
Environment variables
The following environment variables can be set to configure the docker container:
- MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_TAG: The tag of the
Docker image or custom image to use, defaultlatest
- MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_PORT: visible client port on
to map to container port, default is content ofmongo/default-mongo-test-port
- MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_CONTAINER: name of container, default is content of file
- MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_CONTAINER_PORT: mongo client port in container, default
- MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_IMAGE: docker image name, default