Mongoose helpers
Norea.js Mongoose
Norea.js Mongoose is a package which contains a set of tools intended to facilitate the use of mongoose.
The package already has his type definitions.
npm install @noreajs/mongoose --save
Initial Features
- MongoDB initialization
- Model creation
- Extraction of errors during validations
MongoDB initialization
To use MongoDB in your application, initialization is required. To do so with this little baby package, here's how:
Import the MongoDB context:
import { MongodbContext } from "@noreajs/mongoose";
Then use this line of code to initialize:
options: {}, // optional
onConnect: () => {}, // optional
onError: () => {}, // optional
Model creation
Mongoose is the ideal tool when working with MongoDB. Very often to create a model, there is a set of information to take into account and the organization of the different elements constituting a model can become complicated. This package offers you a relatively simple way to proceed to create a model.
Full example of model declaration: Task.ts file (or Task.js):
import { mongooseModel, Document, Schema } from "@noreajs/mongoose";
interface ITask extends Document {
name: string;
description?: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
export default mongooseModel<ITask>({
name: "Task",
collection: "tasks",
schema: new Schema(
name: {
type: Schema.Types.String,
required: [true, "Task's name is required"],
description: {
type: Schema.Types.String,
timestamps: true, // createdAt and UpdatedAt are created and managed by mongoose
// + other properties
After creating the model, you can import it anywhere and use it.
Some details
The generic method used is mongooseModel, Where T is the interface which describes the model, and which must extend the mongoose Document interface.
The parameter of method mongooseModel is of the generic type MoongooseModelParams;
type MoongooseModelParams<T extends Document> = {
name: string;
collection?: string;
skipInit?: boolean;
paginate?: boolean;
aggregatePaginate?: boolean;
autopopulate?: boolean;
leanVirtuals?: boolean;
uniqueValidator?: boolean;
uniqueValidatorMessage?: string;
softDelete?: boolean;
softDeleteOptions?: {
deletedBy?: boolean;
deletedAt?: boolean;
overrideMethods?: boolean | string | string[];
validateBeforeDelete?: boolean;
indexFields?: boolean | string | string[];
use$neOperator?: boolean;
[key: string]: any;
onDeleteOptions: {
action?: "cascade" | "restrict" | "set_null" // default "restrict";
errorCb?: HookErrorCallback;
virtuals?: [
fieldName: string;
options?: any;
get: Function;
set?: Function;
protectOptions?: {
fillable?: Array<keyof T | string>;
guarded?: Array<keyof T | string>;
errorCb?: HookErrorCallback;
privacyOptions?: {
hidden?: Array<keyof T | string>;
visible?: Array<keyof T | string>;
errorCb?: HookErrorCallback;
postFilters?: {
[key in QueryMethod]?: (docs: T[]) => void;
methods: {
[K in keyof Partial<T>]: Function;
plugins?: (schema: Schema) => void;
schema: Schema<T>;
externalConfig?: (schema: Schema) => void;
MoongooseModelParams descriptions: | Attribute | Type | Optional | Default | Description | |------------------------|------------------|----------|----------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | name | string | false | | Model name | | collection | string | true | | Collection name (optional, induced from model name) | | skipInit | boolean | true | false | Whether to skip initialization or not | | paginate | boolean | true | true | The plugin automatically added when true is Mongoose Paginate | | aggregatePaginate | boolean | true | true | The plugin automatically added when true is Mongoose Aggregate Paginate V2 | | autopopulate | boolean | true | true | Always populate() certain fields in your Mongoose schemas. Only apply this plugin to top-level schemas. Don't apply this plugin to child schemas. | | leanVirtuals | boolean | true | true | Attach virtuals to the results of Mongoose queries when using .lean(). | | uniqueValidator | boolean | true | true | Catch unique validation error like normal validation error | | uniqueValidatorMessage | string | true | Expected {PATH} to be unique. | Unique validator message You can pass through a custom error message as part of the optional options argument: You have access to all of the standard Mongoose error message templating: :{PATH}, {VALUE}, {TYPE} | | softDelete | boolean | true | false | Active soft delete on model | | softDeleteOptions | any | true | | Soft delete options | | onDeleteOptions | any | true | | On record delete options | | plugins | function | true | | Add globally a plugin to a mongoose schema | | schema | mongoose.Schema | true | | Mongoose schema defining the model | | virtuals | array | true | | Define the virtual attributes of the model | | methods | object | true | | Define the methods associated with the models | | externalConfig | function | true | | Configure the schema created by adding methods, middlewares, virtuals and many other things provided by Mongoose - Methods - https://mongoosejs.com/docs/guide.html#methods - Middlewares - https://mongoosejs.com/docs/middleware.html - Virtuals - https://mongoosejs.com/docs/guide.html#virtuals | | protectOptions | object | true | | Prevent mass assignment on some attributes | | privacyOptions | object | true | | hide or display some attributes while fetching data | | postFilters | object | true | | Filters to apply on post middleware |
Table made with Table Convert
- (more things will be added soon)