Solidity language server by Nomic Foundation
Solidity Language Server
A language server for the Solidity programming language, used in the Solidity by Nomic Foundation
VS code extension and the @nomicfoundation/coc-solidity
coc.nvim extension.
Built by the Nomic Foundation for the Ethereum community.
Join our Hardhat Support Discord server to stay up to date on new releases, plugins and tutorials.
The language server can be installed via npm:
npm install @nomicfoundation/solidity-language-server -g
To run the server standalone:
nomicfoundation-solidity-language-server --stdio
For coc the extension for this language server (found here) can be installed through the coc vim command:
:CocInstall @nomicfoundation/coc-solidity
neovim lsp
To run the language server directly through the neovim lsp (assuming neovim/nvim-lspconfig)
local lspconfig = require 'lspconfig'
local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'
configs.solidity = {
default_config = {
cmd = {'nomicfoundation-solidity-language-server', '--stdio'},
filetypes = { 'solidity' },
root_dir = lspconfig.util.find_git_ancestor,
single_file_support = true,
lspconfig.solidity.setup {}
[include '../docs/features.md']
Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to open any issue or send a pull request.
Go to CONTRIBUTING.md to learn about how to set up a development environment.
Feedback, help and news
Hardhat Support Discord server: for questions and feedback.