@angular wrapper for StripeJS
Table of Contents
@angular wrapper for StripeJS based on module by Ricardo Sánchez Gregorio at https://github.com/richnologies/ngx-stripe
Note: This version is designed to work with angular v8+ only
- Stripe Service
- Lazy script loading
- AoT compliant
- SSR fallback
To install this library, run:
$ npm install @nomadreservations/ngx-stripe --save
$ yarn add @nomadreservations/ngx-stripe
Using the library
Import the NgxStripeModule
into the application
The module takes the same parameters as the global Stripe object. The APIKey and the optional options to use Stripe connect
- apiKey: string
- options: { stripeAccount?: string; }
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
// Import your library
import { NgxStripeModule } from '@nomadreservations/ngx-stripe';
declarations: [
imports: [
NgxStripeModule.forRoot('***your-stripe-publishable key***'),
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Note: If you leave the publishable key blank you must set on using StripeSerive.changeKey prior to creating token's or sources
As an alternative to the previous example, you could use the StripeCardComponent.
It will make a little bit easier to mount the card.
To fetch the Stripe Element, you could you use either the (change) output, or, by using a ViewChild, the public method getCard()
<ngx-stripe-card [options]="cardOptions" [elementsOptions]="elementsOptions" (change)="cardUpdated($event)" (error)="error = $event"></ngx-stripe-card>
<div class="error">
<button (click)="getCardToken()" [disabled]="!complete">Get Card Token</button>
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from "@angular/forms";
import { StripeService, StripeCardComponent, ElementOptions, ElementsOptions } from "@nomadreservations/ngx-stripe";
selector: 'app-stripe-test',
templateUrl: 'stripe.component.html'
export class StripeTestComponent implements OnInit {
stripeKey = '';
error: any;
complete = false;
element: StripeElement;
cardOptions: ElementOptions = {
style: {
base: {
iconColor: '#276fd3',
color: '#31325F',
lineHeight: '40px',
fontWeight: 300,
fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif',
fontSize: '18px',
'::placeholder': {
color: '#CFD7E0'
elementsOptions: ElementsOptions = {
locale: 'en'
private _stripe: StripeService
) {}
cardUpdated(result) {
this.element = result.element;
this.complete = result.card.complete;
this.error = undefined;
keyUpdated() {
getCardToken() {
this._stripe.createToken(this.element, {
name: 'tested_ca',
address_line1: '123 A Place',
address_line2: 'Suite 100',
address_city: 'Irving',
address_state: 'BC',
address_zip: 'VOE 1H0',
address_country: 'CA'
}).subscribe(result => {
// Pass token to service for purchase.
A payment request button (e.g. apple pay, google chrome payment, etc.) can be enabled with the ngx-payment-request
component. All of the options Request Payment Api options are exposed via the three options sections in the component.
// request-button.component.html
<div class="container">
Pay: <mat-slider min="1" max="100" step="10" thumbLabel [value]="pay" (valueChange)="updatePay($event)"></mat-slider>
// request-button.compnent.ts
selector: 'app-test',
templateUrl: 'request-button.component.html'
export class RequestButtonComponent implements OnInit {
@Input set stripeKey(key) {
public requestOptions: RequestElementOptions = {
country: 'US',
currency: 'usd',
requestPayerName: true,
requestPayerEmail: true,
requestPayerPhone: true,
requestShipping: true,
total: {
amount: 10000,
label: 'Donate to the things'
public styles: PaymentRequestButtonStyle = {
type: 'donate',
theme: 'light',
height: '64px'
public elementsOptions: ElementsOptions = {
locale: 'en'
public pay = 100;
constructor(private _stripe: StripeService) { }
public updatePay(amount: number) {
this.pay = amount;
this.requestOptions = {
total: {
amount: amount * 100
public async requestUpdated(result) {
const response = await fetch('/charges', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({token: result.token.id}),
headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
if (response.ok) {
} else {
public updateShippingAddress(result) {
status: 'success',
shippingOptions: [
id: 'free-shipping',
label: 'Free shipping',
detail: 'Arrives in 5 to 7 days',
amount: 0
id: 'express',
label: 'Express shipping',
detail: 'Arrives in 1 to 2 days',
amount: 1000
public updateShippingOption(result) {
status: 'success'
Dynamic Stripe Keys
Given the way an AOT angular build processes provided values if you need to provide a stripe key at runtime you'll want to forgo the forRoot initialization and instead add a factory and provider
export function NgxStripeFactory(): string {
return dynamicLocation.stripePkKey;
imports: []
NgxStripeModule.forRoot('whatever key you think should be default'),
providers: [
useFactory: NgxStripeFactory
You can use the payment intents api with this service just like with stripe.js the following are exposed via the StripeService
handleCardSetup(clientSecret: string, el: Element, cardSetupOptions?: SetupIntentData): Promise<SetupIntentResult>;
handleCardAction(clientSecret: string);
handleCardPayment(clientSecret: string, el: Element, data: CardPaymentData);
confirmPaymentIntent(clientSecret: string, el: Element, data: ConfirmIntentData);
retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret: string);
confirmSetupIntent(clientSecret: string, el: Element, data: ConfirmSetupIntentData);
retrieveSetupIntent(clientSecret: string);
SCA/3D Secure payments
3D Secure payments are enabled by following a 3D Secure Flow using the payment intents api's. You will need to setup a proper next action in the payment intent based off of the 3D Secure response from the customers bank/institution.
Example: //stripe.compnent.html
<ngx-stripe-card [options]="cardOptions" [elementsOptions]="elementsOptions" (change)="cardUpdated($event)" (error)="error = $event"></ngx-stripe-card>
<div class="error">
<button (click)="payNow()" [disabled]="!complete">Pay</button>
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from "@angular/forms";
import { StripeService, StripeCardComponent, ElementOptions, ElementsOptions } from "@nomadreservations/ngx-stripe";
selector: 'app-stripe-test',
templateUrl: 'stripe.component.html'
export class StripeTestComponent implements OnInit {
stripeKey = '';
error: any;
complete = false;
element: StripeElement;
cardOptions: ElementOptions = {
style: {
base: {
iconColor: '#276fd3',
color: '#31325F',
lineHeight: '40px',
fontWeight: 300,
fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif',
fontSize: '18px',
'::placeholder': {
color: '#CFD7E0'
elementsOptions: ElementsOptions = {
locale: 'en'
private _stripe: StripeService
) {}
cardUpdated(result) {
this.element = result.element;
this.complete = result.card.complete;
if(this.complete) {
this.error = undefined;
keyUpdated() {
async payNow() {
const response = await fetch('/paymentIntent', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({amount: 10000, currency: 'usd'}),
headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
const body = await response.json();
this._stripe.handleCardPayment(body.client_secret, this.element, { payment_method_data: {
billing_details: {name: 'Bob Smith'}
}}).subscribe(result => {
if(result.error) {
console.error('got stripe error', result.error);
} else {
console.log('payment succeeded');
Please note you can also manually handle this flow using the paymentIntent methods however that is not the default path and you will have to implement it yourself (see more here)
The following command runs unit & integration tests that are in the tests
folder, and unit tests that are in src
yarn test
The following command:
yarn build
- starts TSLint with Codelyzer
- starts AoT compilation using ngc compiler
- creates
folder with all the files of distribution
To test the npm package locally, use the following command:
yarn publish:dev
You can then run the following to install it in an app to test it:
yalc link @nomadreservations/ngx-stripe
yarn release:patch
yarn release:minor
yarn release:major
To generate the documentation, this starter uses compodoc:
yarn compodoc
yarn compodoc:serve