noInfoPath module
@version 2.0.11
Alias a method while keeping the context correct, to allow for overwriting of target method.
@private @this {PubSub} @param {String} fn The name of the target method. @return {function} The aliased method.
Subscribe to events of interest with a specific topic name and a callback function, to be executed when the topic/event is observed.
@this {PubSub} @param {String} topic The topic name. @param {function} callback Callback function to execute on event, taking two arguments: - {*} data The data passed when publishing an event - {Object} topic The topic's info (name & token) @param {Boolean} [once=false] Checks if event will be triggered only one time. @return {Number} The topic's token.
Subscribe to events of interest setting a flag indicating the event will be published only one time.
@this {PubSub} @param {String} topic The topic's name. @param {function} callback Callback function to execute on event, taking two arguments: - {*} data The data passed when publishing an event - {Object} topic The topic's info (name & token) @return {Number} The topic's token.
Publish or broadcast events of interest with a specific topic name and arguments such as the data to pass along.
@this {PubSub} @param {String} topic The topic's name. @param {*} [data] The data to be passed. @return {Boolean} True if topic exists and event is published; otherwise false.
Unsubscribe from a specific topic, based on the topic name, or based on a tokenized reference to the subscription.
@this {PubSub}
@param {String|Object} topic Topic's name or subscription referenece.
@return {Boolean|String} False if topic
does not match a subscribed event, else the topic's name.