Base Custom Webcomponent
The base-custom-webcomponent is a simple base class for the use of webcomponents in typescript. It wraps the needed basic functionality and also allows you to optionally use some advanced technics like
- set attribute into property
- two-way binding
Basic Feature
The base class does:
- registers the html tag
- creates the shadow dom
- imports the css and html into the shadow dom
- gives access to the dom elements with helping functions
- informs about startup
- oneTimeSetup()
- ready()
Planed features
Automatic Change Notification class fields via decorators are planed, but lack browser support at the moment: https://github.com/lit/lit/issues/2284 For now we removed the this._createObservableProperties(); cause it would not work if you compile to newer javascript.
Refresh Bindings - only for the changed value. At the moment the call refreshes all bindings, but this could (and should) be optimized.
Advanced Features
All the features are not enabled by default for performance reasons but you can call these methods to enable them.
- this._restoreCachedInititalValues(); ==> Needs to be called after super() of the constructor, to restore properties set, before element is upgraded. And also it needs to be called after the default values are set in constructor.
- this._parseAttributesToProperties(); ==> parses all attributes to the defined properties
- this._assignEvents(); ==> parses @event bindings to callbacks in class
- this._bindingsParse(); ==> parses and enables bindings
Hot Reload
The Library supports Hotreload of Components created with it. This works mostly for the Templates and the Styles, for Javascript, it depends. Best is, if you try it yourself.
To use it, try following snippet:
HotModuleReplacement.initHMR(async () => {
replace this with a function wich returns a list of your changed files,
or null if no files have changed since the last call, this function will be called every 100ms
so this function for example could ask the dev server wich files have changed, and return them.
The hotmodulereplacment will then try to reload them (If possible)
The Bindings are heavily inspired by polymer
use [[expression]] for one way bindings
use {{this.property::change;paste}} for two way bindings which listens to events 'change 'and 'paste'
bcw:visible="[[bool-expression]]" to bind set css visiblity to visible when expression is true
css:cssPropertyName="[[expression]]" to bind to a css property
class:className="[[boolExpression]]" to set/remove a css class
$attribute="[[expression]]" to bind to Attributes instead of properties.
?booleanAttribute="[[expression]]" to bind to a boolean Attribute.
.property="[[expression]]" to bind to Proertys without using the attribute name (to disable side effects).
sub elements are not bound, so elements like of polymer also work
css type adopted-css
use repeat:nameOfItem="[[enumerableExpression]]" on a template element to repeat it for every instance of the enumerable. You could also use 'index' variable in the repeat binding for the current number. The attribute "repeat-index" could be used to change the name of the index variable. on a repeat you could use the repeat-changed-item-callback="[[this.itemCreated(item, nodes)]] !!caution!! => the repeat binding is only a preview at the moment, it redraws all items on array change
use if="[[expression]]" an a template element to show it conditionally
Event Code Bindings
with for example @click="[[this.aa(event)]]" you could create a event binding wich could run any javascript code inside of the brackets. use @@ if you want to replace - with uppercase in events
Binding extensions
- Null/Undefined Extension {{? }} - If you start a binding with a questionmark (like this: {{?), the value of the binding is assigned as an empty string when null or undefined.
- Invert extension {{! }} - If you use "!" on the start of a Binding, the bool value is inverted, and also asigned inverted (not yet developed, will do if needed)
Declaritive Custom Element
With the node-projects-dce element you could create a custom elment declaritively, see:
<node-projects-dce name="simple-dce-demo" properties='{"list":"Array", "list2":"Array", "ctx":{"type":"String","reflect":true}}' enable-bindings >
<style>h1 {color: red}</style>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<div style="border: solid 3px black">Ctx: [[this.ctx]]</div>
<template repeat:myitem="[[this.list]]">
<button>[[myitem.toUpperCase()]] - <b>[[myitem.toLowerCase()]]</b> - [[index]]</button>
<template repeat:myitem2="[[this.list2]]" repeat-index="inneridx">
<button @click="[[this.ctx = myitem2]]" >[[myitem.toUpperCase()]] - <b>[[myitem2.toLowerCase()]]</b> - [[inneridx * 100]]</button>
<simple-dce-demo list='["aa","bb","cc"]' list2='["hello", "you"]' ctx="TestCtx" style="position:absolute;left:184px;top:-53px;"></simple-dce-demo>
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Compile Typescript after doing changes
$ npm run build
none on chrome.
construct-style-sheets-polyfill on safari and firefox
Simple Example Class in Typescript
import { BaseCustomWebComponentConstructorAppend, html } from '@node-projects/base-custom-webcomponent';
export class TestElement extends BaseCustomWebComponentConstructorAppend {
static readonly style = css`
static readonly template = html`
<div id='root'>
<div css:background="[[this.bprp ? 'red' : 'green']]">[[this.info]]</div>
<template repeat:item="[[this.list]]">
<button @click="buttonClick">click me</button>
list = ['aa', 'bb'];
info = 'hallo';
bprp = false;
constructor() {
async ready() {
this._root = this._getDomElement<HTMLDivElement>('root');
setTimeout(() => {
this.info = 'wie gehts?';
brpp = true;
}, 5000)
buttonClick() {
Online Sample
or here a repo
ready method
The ready method will be called, when the component is connected the first time. Be aware, that there is no information about the child components. They could be still not ready. When you need to interact with child componets, then use the method _waitForChildrenReady.
public async ready(): Promise<void> {
await this._waitForChildrenReady();
// now all children are ready!
const myChild = this._getDomElement<CustomAutoCompleteBoxComponent>('XYZ');
VS Code Snippet
How to use?
- Open VS Code
- Press "STRG" + "Shift" + "P"
- Type "Snippets"
Select Configure User Snippets
Select New Global Snippet File ...
Type in name: basecustomwebcomponent
Insert follwing code:
{ "basecustomwebcomponent": { "prefix": "bcwc", "body": [ "import { BaseCustomWebComponentConstructorAppend, html, css } from '@node-projects/base-custom-webcomponent';\n", "export class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} extends BaseCustomWebComponentConstructorAppend {\n", "\tstatic readonly template = html`", "\t\t", "\t`;\n", "\tstatic readonly style = css`", "\t\t:host {", "\t\t\tdisplay: block;", "\t\t\tbox-sizing: border-box;", "\t\t}", "\t\t:host([hidden]) {", "\t\t\tdisplay: none;", "\t\t}", "\t`;\n", "\tstatic readonly is = '${1/(^[A-Z])|(?<=[a-z0-9A-Z])([A-Z])/${1:/downcase}${2:+-}${2:/downcase}/g}';\n", "\tstatic readonly properties = {", "\t\t\t", "\t}\n", "\tconstructor() {", "\t\tsuper();", "\t\tsuper._restoreCachedInititalValues();", "\t}\n", "\tready() {", "\t\tthis._parseAttributesToProperties();", "\t\tthis._assignEvents();", "\t}", "}", "customElements.define(${1}.is, ${1})", ], "description": "Sample template for the BaseCustomWebComponent" } }
Save and type "bcwc" and press tap inside an empty file
Press tap after you entered the classname
The Size of the Base Component is around 25k as ts/js code, 10k minimized and 2.2k brotly compressed.