Bitcoin utilities
This package provides common Bitcoin functionality and does not rely on third party libraries.
The PrivateKey
enables functionality used by private key values
for the secp256k1 elliptic curve used by Bitcoin. Valid values are between
1 and 115792089237316195423570985008687907853177846645995842846068537748949929705792.
This class includes methods for key tweaks, serialization to/from WIF,
and creation of the public key point which results in a PublicKey
import { PrivateKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
const buf = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x01);
const key = new PrivateKey(buf, Network.mainnet);
// converts to a buffer
// 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
// converts to a hex string
// 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
// converts to WIF uncompressed
// 5HpjE2Hs7vjU4SN3YyPQCdhzCu92WoEeuE6PWNuiPyTu3ESGnzn
A private key supports add and multiply tweaks
import { PrivateKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
const buf = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x01);
const key = new PrivateKey(buf, Network.mainnet);
const tweak2 = Buffer.from(
// additive tweak generates a new PrivateKey instance
// 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010103
const addkey = key.tweakAdd(tweak2);
// multiplicative tweak generates a new PrivateKey instance
// 0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202
const mulkey = key.tweakMul(tweak2);
A private key can be encoded into WIF:
// encode to WIF
const buf = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x01);
const key = new PrivateKey(buf, Network.mainnet);
// Can encode compressed or uncompressed based on the parameter
// KwFfNUhSDaASSAwtG7ssQM1uVX8RgX5GHWnnLfhfiQDigjioWXHH
// converts to WIF uncompressed
// 5HpjE2Hs7vjU4SN3YyPQCdhzCu92WoEeuE6PWNuiPyTu3ESGnzn
A private key can be decoded from WIF and it will include the PublicKey in either compressed or uncompressed format.
const [privateKey, publicKey] = PrivateKey.fromWif(
A private key can be converted to a public key in either compressed or uncompressed format:
const buf = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x01);
const privateKey = new PrivateKey(buf, Network.mainnet);
// compressed public key
// 031b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f
const compressed = privateKey.toPubKey(true);
// uncompresed public key
// 041b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f70beaf8f588b541507fed6a642c5ab42dfdf8120a7f639de5122d47a69a8e8d1
const uncompressed = privateKey.toPubKey(false);
Public Key
The PublicKey
type encapsulates a public key point on an secp256k1
elliptic curve. The type is constructed by supplying a buffer in SEC
compressed or uncompressed format as well as the network the public key
belongs to.
import { PublicKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
// 33-byte SEC encoded compressed point
const buffer = Buffer.from(
let publicKey = new PublicKey(buffer, Network.mainnet);
// outputs a 33-byte buffer
// 031b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f
// outputs the hex string
// 031b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f
// hash160 of the compressed public key
// 79b000887626b294a914501a4cd226b58b235983
// convert to an uncompressed public key, which is a 65-byte version
publicKey = publicKey.toPubKey(false);
// outputs a 65-byte buffer
// 041b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f70beaf8f588b541507fed6a642c5ab42dfdf8120a7f639de5122d47a69a8e8d1
// outputs the hex string
// 041b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f70beaf8f588b541507fed6a642c5ab42dfdf8120a7f639de5122d47a69a8e8d1
// hash160 of the uncompressed public key
// 6ff3443c994fb2c821969dae53bd5b5052d8394f
You can output the P2PKH, P2SH-P2WPKH, and P2WPKH addresses of a public key:
import { PublicKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
const buffer = Buffer.from(
const publicKey = new PublicKey(buffer, Network.mainnet);
// output base58 encoded p2pkh address
// 1C6Rc3w25VHud3dLDamutaqfKWqhrLRTaD
// output base58 encoded p2sh-p2wpkh address
// 35LM1A29K95ADiQ8rJ9uEfVZCKffZE4D9i
// output bech32 encoded p2wpkh address
// bc1q0xcqpzrky6eff2g52qdye53xkk9jxkvrh6yhyw
A public key can be tweaked by adding the point to a value multiplied by
the generator point to obtain a new point. The formula is
T = P + tweak * G
. This returns a new instance with the same
compressed/uncompressed value as the original public key.
import { PublicKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
const buffer = Buffer.from(
const publicKey = new PublicKey(buffer, Network.mainnet);
const tweak2 = Buffer.from(
// tweaks the public key by doing `T = point + tweak * G`
// 03a4fbd2c1822592c0ae8afa0e63a0d4c56a571179e93fd61615627f419fd0be9a
const newPubKey = publicKey.tweakAdd(tweak2);
A public key can be tweaked by multiplying the point by a scalar value.
The formula is T = P * t
. This returns a new instance with the same
compressed/uncompressed value as the original public key.
import { PublicKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
const buffer = Buffer.from(
const publicKey = new PublicKey(buffer, Network.mainnet);
const tweak2 = Buffer.from(
// tweak by scalar multiplication
// 024d4b6cd1361032ca9bd2aeb9d900aa4d45d9ead80ac9423374c451a7254d0766
const newPubKey = publicKey.tweakMul(tweak2);
Two public keys can be added together. They must be part of the same network. This returns a new instance with the same compressed/uncompressed value as the original public key.
import { PublicKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
const pubkeyA = new PublicKey(
Buffer.from("031b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f", "hex"),
const pubkeyB = new PublicKey(
Buffer.from("024d4b6cd1361032ca9bd2aeb9d900aa4d45d9ead80ac9423374c451a7254d0766", "hex"),
// Adds two points together
// 02531fe6068134503d2723133227c867ac8fa6c83c537e9a44c3c5bdbdcb1fe337
const newPubKey = pubkeyA.add(pubkeyB);
Mnemonic Seeds (BIP39)
You can use this library to create mnemonic seeds from some entropy source. The word list is the default english word list defined in BIP39. Entropy must be between 16 and 32 bytes and should be created via a cryptographically secure mechanism.
import { Mnemonic } from "@node-ligthning/bitcoin";
// non-cryptographically secure means of entropy...
// 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
const entropy = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x01);
// create a phrase from entropy
const phrase = Mnemonic.entropyToPhrase(entropy);
// absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice comic
With a phrase, you can generate a 64-byte seed from a seed phrase.
const phrase =
"absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice comic";
// password is optional
const password = "w00t";
// generates the seed that can be used with PrivateKey or HdPrivateKey.
const seed = Mnemonic.phraseToSeed(phrase, password);
A phrase can also be converted back to entropy:
const phrase =
"absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice comic";
const entropy = Mnemonic.phraseToEntropy(phrase);
// 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
HD Keys (BIP32/BIP49/BIP84)
This library enables hierarchical deterministic keys (HD keys) as defined
in BIP32. HD Keys are represented in two clases: HdPrivateKey
and HdPublicKey
These keys encapsulate a PrivateKey
and PublicKey
respectively and
include a derive
method for deriving a child key. This library supports
xpub, ypub, and zpub addresses.
import { Mnemonic, HdPrivateKey, HdPublicKey } from "@node-lightning/bitcoin";
// some seed
const seed = Mnemonic.phraseToSeed(
"abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about",
// generates the master key, path=m, and is for x-type HD Keys
const master = HdPrivateKey.fromSeed(seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.x);
// derive a non-hardened child
// derive a hardened child
master.derive(0x80000000 + 1);
// access the underlying private key
An HdPrivateKey can be derived from a supplied path. Paths must start with
and each level is delimited by /
. Each level must be a number.
Hardened levels are a number suffixed with '
// hd private key at m/0'/0'/0'/0/0
HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.x);
An HdPrivateKey can be exported in the xprv, yprv, or zprv format.
// generates an x-type key at the path
key = HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.x);
// xprvA2ahXMijxBZowqFxRDLYUtByAy43A7A3g2PfnkbpJhNuhXTfFuFCe7bCrK2BcWSEy3dhkPURJKHfaxwACzg9CrSLe5cRZeAugEHkWGyiM1e
// generates a y-type key at the path
key = HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.y);
// yprvAMQxq2Pf6s7Ho8T5Fa8AgyHULwCV6j9Yb8uta9VhghknkdGtWZQmGBFLsWymcR6ANgkWVs4ykyeDUFYivh6A167wWRJr9YzPwxMPtqFiNLF
// generates z y-type key at the path
key = HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.z);
// zprvAgFE8h4aFYemeReC5vunu4NyWuLw3M93WFS7MYPb4i8foj67mDaKtEuUtiwMcKk5nKsKFLfYDdzmMYAHePWAoKoYNm1GjTotDgR3HRDc2a1
A private key can be imported from the xprv, yprv, or zprv format.
// decodes an x-type key
// decodes a y-type key
// decodes a z-type key
A private key can be convered into an HdPublicKey
const privateKey = HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.x);
const publicKey = privateKey.toPubKey();
A non-hardened HdPublicKey
can be used to derive non-hardened child
public keys.
const childPubKey = publicKey.derivePublic(0);
An `HdPublicKey can be exported in the xpub, ypub, or zpub format.
// generates an x-type key at the path
privateKey = HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.x);
publicKey = privateKey.toPubKey();
// xpub6Fa3vsFdnZ87AKLRXEsYr28hiztXZZsu3FKGb91Rs2utaKnooSZTBuughdaGXP1pXiB6LHac732AtbAGsXtouqRuQL3FycZ23QKkWcoyDRD
// generates a y-type key at the path
privateKey = HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.y);
publicKey = privateKey.toPubKey();
// ypub6aQKEXvYwEfb1cXYMbfB47ECty2yWBsPxMqVNXuKF3HmdRc346j1oyZpiqXrXHfjwMHu5mBAZhNimsmqbEJpi57WGfjgZXNWK8PPu9vso8e
// generates z y-type key at the path
privateKey = HdPrivateKey.fromPath("m/0'/0'/0'/0/0", seed, Network.mainnet, HdKeyType.z);
publicKey = privateKey.toPubKey();
// zpub6uEaYCbU5vD4ruifBxSoGCKi4wBRSortsUMi9voCd3fegXRGJktaS3Dxk3VSXCKfLzQhqEmj2MjGfAPQJviqWJo791S79SBzarT3Hn12PPY
An `HdPublicKey can be imported from the xpub, ypub, or zpub format.
// decodes an x-type key
// decodes a y-type key
// decodes a z-type key
An HdPublicKey
can output the Bitcoin address via the toAddress
method. Depending on whether the key is x, y, or z type will determine
whether the address is a P2PKH, P2SH-P2WPKH, or P2WPKH address.
const pubkey = HdPublicKey.decode(
// 1NqGp6acdQN62M25DJ9Wpe2QPG86B9GTxB
// decodes a y-type key
const pubkey = HdPublicKey.decode(
// 3D5n213U4vX8ppiNZSzCkgZD9sneKr6PJz
// decodes a z-type key
pubkey = HdPublicKey.decode(
// bc1qaaauaz73eyjyla73u7ahrx0vrlsgf0elwqrhyv
Transaction Building
Transaction building uses the TxBuilder
class. This class allows modification of the version
and locktime
. It also allows addition of inputs and outputs via the addInput
and addOutput
A typical workflow for transaction building looks like:
- Create the builder
- Set the version
- Set the locktime
- Add inputs via their outpoint
- Add outputs by specifying a value in Bitcoin and including a locking script
- Sign your inputs and assign the signature to corresponding input's ScriptSig
A simple example looks like:
// here are some dummy values that are needed
const privA; // 32-byte private key
const pubkeyA; // 33-byte compressed public key
const pubkeyhashB; // 20-byte hash of B's public key
// construct a builder
const txb = new TxBuilder();
// attach a single input that has 50 bitcoin in it
// attach a spending output that pays to B's pubkeyhash
txb.addOutput(1, Script.p2pkhLock(pubkeyhashB));
// attach a change output that pays back to A's pubkey
txb.addOutput(48.9999, Script.p2pkhLock(pubkeyA));
// sign the input using the prior locking script
const commitScript = Script.p2pkhLock(pubkeyA);
const sig = txb.sign(0, commitScript, privA);
// create the scriptSig for the input that includes the signature and pubkey
// corresponding to the signature
txb.inputs[0].scriptSig = Script.p2pkhUnlock(sig, pubkeyA);
// convert the transaction into an immutable transaction
const tx = tx.toTx();
- Spend P2PKH to P2PKH output
- Spend P2PK to P2PK output
- Spend P2PKH to P2SH-P2PKH
- Spend P2PKH to P2MS
- Spend P2MS to P2PKH
- Spend P2SH-P2PKH to P2SH
- Spend P2SH to P2SH
- Spend P2PKH to P2SH-P2MS
- Spend P2SH-P2MS to P2PKH
Special Transactions
- Spend P2PKH with OP_RETURN
- Spend P2PKH with BIP125 RBF
- Spend using CPFP
- Spend to block based CLTV
- Spend to time based CLTV
- Spend to block CSV delay
- Spend to time CSV delay