Pagination CSS component
Gebruik ellipsen (…) om eventuele overgeslagen pagina's te vervangen. Bijvoorbeeld:
[1] 2 … 10
1 [2] 3 … 100
1 2 [3] 4 … 100
1 2 3 [4] 5 … 100
1 … 4 [5] 6 … 100
1 … 97 [98] 99 100
1 … 98 [99] 100
1 … 99 [100]
De functie voor deze logica kan als volgt worden geschreven:
const generatePageNumberMarkup = () => "";
const generateEllipsisMarkup = () => "";
const generatePageNumbers = (totalPages, activePage) => {
const pages = [];
// Always add the first page
pages.push(generatePageNumberMarkup(1, activePage));
// Add ellipses if the active page is more than 4
if (activePage > 4) {
if (activePage === 4) {
pages.push(generatePageNumberMarkup(2, activePage));
// Add the page before the active page if it's more than 2
if (activePage > 2) {
pages.push(generatePageNumberMarkup(activePage - 1, activePage));
// Add the active page if it's not the first or last page
if (activePage > 1 && activePage < totalPages) {
pages.push(generatePageNumberMarkup(activePage, activePage));
// Add the page after the active page if it's less than total pages minus 1 and not the last page
if (activePage < totalPages - 1 && activePage !== totalPages - 2) {
pages.push(generatePageNumberMarkup(activePage + 1, activePage));
// Add ellipses if the active page is less than the total pages minus 3
if (activePage < totalPages - 3) {
// Add the second last page if the active page is less than the total pages minus 1 and greater than or equal to total pages minus 3
if (activePage < totalPages - 1 && activePage >= totalPages - 3) {
pages.push(generatePageNumberMarkup(totalPages - 1, activePage));
// Always add the last page
if (totalPages !== 1) {
pages.push(generatePageNumberMarkup(totalPages, activePage));
return pages;
generatePageNumbers(5, 30);