Reusable stylesheets and components for Svelte projects
SCSS mixins-based framework and reused Svelte components
# using npm
npm install @nipin/mould --save-dev
# using yarm
yarn add -D @nipin/mould
@import '@nipin/mould/css/essence'; // variables, functions and mixins
// include it in your main js file
import '@nipin/mould/css/premade.scss' // for typography and normalize
import '@nipin/mould/css/utilities.scss' // for using .u-cf, .u-pd-4 etc.
// svelte component
import '@nipin/mould/lib/MButton.svelte'
import '@nipin/mould/lib/MIcon.svelte'
SCSS cheatsheets
@function append-string($before, $after: null) {
// return $before-$after unless $after is null
@function color($color, $shade: null, $alpha: null) {
// return a color base from a custom defined color palette
// $color:
// - gray, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, indigo, purple, pink
// - neutral, primary, success, warning, harmful
// - real color like #fff or rgba(20, 50, 80)
// $shade: 1..9, can be omitted
// $alpha: transparency level, can be null
@function colors($colors, $shade: null, $alpha) {
// return a list of colors by calling color() for each item of $colors
// $colors must be a list
@function trump($value, $trump: false) {
// return `$value !important` if $trump is true
// else just return $value
// prettier-ignore
@function screen-vals($xs, $sm: null, $md: null, $lg: null, $xl: null, $df: null) {
// convert list to a map of screen sizes to values
// null value will be ignored
@mixin screen-min($min: sm) {
// warp content in media screen
@mixin screen-max($max: sm) {
// warp content in media screen
@mixin screen($screen: sm, $prop: null, $value: null) {
// calling screen-min with @content and a single line of $prop: $value;
@mixin apply($props, $value, $trump: false) {
// insert property value defination for each item of $props, adaptive to screen size
// $props: a string or a list of string, eg: background or (border-left, border-right)
// $value: can be a single value or a screen-vals result
Svelte components
<MButton class="" disabled=""></MButton>
<MIcon class="" name="feather"></MIcon>