Interactive Gantt Chart for React with TypeScript. Fork of MaTeMaTuK's gantt-task-react.
Interactive Gantt Chart for React with TypeScript.
This is a fork of https://github.com/MaTeMaTuK/gantt-task-react.
Live Demo
How to use it
import { Gantt, Task, EventOption, StylingOption, ViewMode, DisplayOption } from '@nikmaxott/gantt-task-react';
import "@nikmaxott/gantt-task-react/style.css";
let tasks: Task[] = [
start: new Date(2020, 1, 1),
end: new Date(2020, 1, 2),
name: 'Idea',
id: 'Task 0',
progress: 45,
isDisabled: true,
styles: { progressColor: '#ffbb54', progressSelectedColor: '#ff9e0d' }
<Gantt tasks={tasks} />
You may handle actions
You may extend the Tasks to use a custom type.
interface CustomTask extends Task {
hasExtraField: boolean;
let tasks: CustomTask[] = [
start: new Date(2020, 1, 1),
end: new Date(2020, 1, 2),
name: 'Idea',
id: 'Task 0',
progress: 45,
isDisabled: true,
styles: { progressColor: '#ffbb54', progressSelectedColor: '#ff9e0d' },
hasExtraField: true
How to run example
npm install
npm run dev
Gantt Configuration
| Parameter Name | Type | Description | | :------------------------------ | :------------ | :------------------------------------------------- | | tasks* | Task | Tasks array. | | EventOption | interface | Specifies gantt events. | | DisplayOption | interface | Specifies view type and display timeline language. | | StylingOption | interface | Specifies chart and global tasks styles |
| Parameter Name | Type | Description | | :----------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | onSelect | (task: Task, isSelected: boolean) => void | Specifies the function to be executed on the taskbar select or unselect event. | | onDoubleClick | (task: Task) => void | Specifies the function to be executed on the taskbar onDoubleClick event. | | onClick | (task: Task) => void | Specifies the function to be executed on the taskbar onClick event. | | onDelete* | (task: Task) => void/boolean/Promise/Promise | Specifies the function to be executed on the taskbar on Delete button press event. | | onDateChange* | (task: Task, children: Task[]) => void/boolean/Promise/Promise | Specifies the function to be executed when drag taskbar event on timeline has finished. | | onProgressChange* | (task: Task, children: Task[]) => void/boolean/Promise/Promise | Specifies the function to be executed when drag taskbar progress event has finished. | | onExpanderClick* | onExpanderClick: (task: Task) => void; | Specifies the function to be executed on the table expander click | | timeStep | number | A time step value for onDateChange. Specify in milliseconds. |
* Chart undoes operation if method return false or error. Parameter children returns one level deep records.
| Parameter Name | Type | Description | | :------------- | :------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | viewMode | enum | Specifies the time scale. Hour, Quarter Day, Half Day, Day, Week(ISO-8601, 1st day is Monday), Month, QuarterYear, Year. | | viewDate | date | Specifies display date and time for display. | | preStepsCount | number | Specifies empty space before the fist task | | locale | string | Specifies the month name language. Able formats: ISO 639-2, Java Locale. | | rtl | boolean | Sets rtl mode. |
| Parameter Name | Type | Description | | :------------------------- | :----- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | headerHeight | number | Specifies the header height. | | ganttHeight | number | Specifies the gantt chart height without header. Default is 0. It`s mean no height limitation. | | columnWidth | number | Specifies the time period width. | | listCellWidth | number | Specifies the task list cell width. Empty string is mean "no display". | | rowHeight | number | Specifies the task row height. | | barCornerRadius | number | Specifies the taskbar corner rounding. | | barFill | number | Specifies the taskbar occupation. Sets in percent from 0 to 100. | | handleWidth | number | Specifies width the taskbar drag event control for start and end dates. | | fontFamily | string | Specifies the application font. | | fontSize | string | Specifies the application font size. | | barProgressColor | string | Specifies the taskbar progress fill color globally. | | barProgressSelectedColor | string | Specifies the taskbar progress fill color globally on select. | | barBackgroundColor | string | Specifies the taskbar background fill color globally. | | barBackgroundSelectedColor | string | Specifies the taskbar background fill color globally on select. | | arrowColor | string | Specifies the relationship arrow fill color. | | arrowIndent | number | Specifies the relationship arrow right indent. Sets in px | | todayColor | string | Specifies the current period column fill color. | | TooltipContent | | Specifies the Tooltip view for selected taskbar. | | TaskListHeader | | Specifies the task list Header view | | TaskListBody | | Specifies the task list Body view | | TaskListTable | | Specifies the (optional) task list table |
- TooltipContent:
(props: { task: Task; fontSize: string; fontFamily: string; } => JSX.Element;
- TaskListHeader:
(props: { headerHeight: number; rowWidth: number; fontFamily: string; fontSize: string;} => JSX.Element;
- TaskListBody:
(props: { rowHeight: number; rowWidth: number; fontFamily: string; fontSize: string; locale: string; tasks: Task[]; selectedTaskId: string; setSelectedTask: (taskId: string) => void; } => JSX.Element;
- TaskListTable:
props: { taskListRef: React.RefObject<HTMLTableElement>; fontFamily: string; fontSize: string; headerHeight: number; rowHeight: number; rowWidth: number; tasks: T[]; locale: string; selectedTaskId: string; ganttHeight: number; horizontalContainerRef: React.RefObject<HTMLTableSectionElement>; setSelectedTask: (taskId: string) => void; onExpanderClick: (task: T) => void; } => JSX.Element;
| Parameter Name | Type | Description | | :------------- | :------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | id* | string | Task id. | | name* | string | Task display name. | | type* | string | Task display type: task, milestone, project | | start* | Date | Task start date. | | end* | Date | Task end date. | | progress* | number | Task progress. Sets in percent from 0 to 100. | | dependencies | string[] | Specifies the parent dependencies ids. | | styles | object | Specifies the taskbar styling settings locally. Object is passed with the following attributes: | | | | - backgroundColor: String. Specifies the taskbar background fill color locally. | | | | - backgroundSelectedColor: String. Specifies the taskbar background fill color locally on select. | | | | - progressColor: String. Specifies the taskbar progress fill color locally. | | | | - progressSelectedColor: String. Specifies the taskbar progress fill color globally on select. | | isDisabled | bool | Disables all action for current task. | | fontSize | string | Specifies the taskbar font size locally. | | project | string | Task project name | | hideChildren | bool | Hide children items. Parameter works with project type only |