This is a string utility package
A utility package to parse strings
Using npm:
npm install --save @nikita-naredi/string-utility
Using yarn:
yarn add @nikita-naredi/string-utility
To use the string-utility package in your project, first import it:
const stringUtility = require('@nikita-naredi/string-utility');
Or if you're using ES6 modules:
import stringUtility from '@nikita-naredi/string-utility';
API Reference
| Function | Description | Example | Output |
| ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
| toUpperSnakeCase | Converts the input string to upper snake case. | stringUtility.toUpperSnakeCase('Hello World');
| toReverseCase | Reverses the case of each character in the input string. | stringUtility.toReverseCase('Hello World');
| toAlternatingCase | Converts the input string to alternating case. | stringUtility.toAlternatingCase('hello world');
| 'HeLlO wOrLd'
| toCamelCase | Converts the input string to camel case. | stringUtility.toCamelCase('hello world');
| 'helloWorld'
| toPascalCase | Converts the input string to pascal case. | stringUtility.toPascalCase('hello world');
| 'HelloWorld'
| toKebabCase | Converts the input string to kebab case. | stringUtility.toKebabCase('hello world');
| 'hello-world'
| toSnakeCase | Converts the input string to snake case. | stringUtility.toSnakeCase('hello world');
| 'hello_world'
| toCapitalizedCase | Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the input string. | stringUtility.toCapitalizedCase('hello world');
| 'Hello World'
| toSentenceCase | Converts the input string to sentence case. | stringUtility.toSentenceCase('hello world');
| 'Hello world'
| toTitleCase | Converts the input string to title case. | stringUtility.toTitleCase('hello world');
| 'Hello World'
| removeNonAlpha | Removes all non-alphabetic characters from the input string. | stringUtility.removeNonAlpha('Hello, World! 123');
| 'HelloWorld'
| containsOnlyAlpha | Checks if the input string contains only alphabetic characters. | stringUtility.containsOnlyAlpha('Hello');
| true
| removeDuplicates | Removes duplicate characters from the input string. | stringUtility.removeDuplicates('Hello');
| 'Helo'
| findSubstringOccurrences | Counts the number of occurrences of a substring within the input string. | stringUtility.findSubstringOccurrences('Hello, World! 123', 'el');
| 1
| replaceSpecificOccurrence | Replaces the nth occurrence of a substring with a new substring in the input string. | stringUtility.replaceSpecificOccurrence('Hello, World! 123', 'l', 'i', '1');
| 'Helio, World! 123'
| replaceAllOccurrences | Replaces all occurrences of a substring with a new substring in the input string. | stringUtility.replaceAllOccurrences('Hello, World! 123', 'l', 'i');
| 'Heiio, Worid! 123'
| caseString | Converts the input string to the specified case type (e.g., 'upper', 'lower', 'title'). | stringUtility.caseString('Hello, World!', 'alternate');
| 'hELLo, wORLD'
| countWords | Counts the number of words in the input string. | stringUtility.countWords('Hello world');
| 2
| countCharacters | Counts the total number of characters in the input string. | stringUtility.countCharacters('Hello, World!');
| 13
| countUniqueCharacters | Counts the number of unique characters in the input string. | stringUtility.countUniqueCharacters('Hello');
| 4
| countVowels | Counts the number of vowels in the input string. | stringUtility.countVowels('Hello world');
| 3
| countConsonants | Counts the number of consonants in the input string. | stringUtility.countConsonants('Hello world');
| 7
| countSpecialCharacters | Counts the number of special characters in the input string. | stringUtility.countSpecialCharacters('Hello, World!');
| 2
| countDigits | Counts the number of digits in the input string. | stringUtility.countDigits('Hello123World');
| 3
| countOccurrences | Counts the number of occurrences of a specific substring in the input string. | stringUtility.countOccurrences('Hello world', 'o');
| 2
| countSentences | Counts the number of sentences in the input string. | stringUtility.countSentences('Hello world. How are you? I am fine.');
| 3
| countParagraphs | Counts the number of paragraphs in the input string. | stringUtility.countParagraphs('Paragraph 1.\n\nParagraph 2.\n\nParagraph 3.');
| 3
| countLines | Counts the number of lines in the input string. | stringUtility.countLines('Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3');
| 3
| countUniqueWords | Counts the number of unique words in the input string. | stringUtility.countUniqueWords('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
| 8
| countSubstrings | Counts the number of occurrences of a substring in the input string. | stringUtility.countSubstrings('hello hello world', 'hello');
| 2
| generateRandomString | Generates a random string of specified length and character set. | stringUtility.generateRandomString(10, 'alphanumeric');
| 'a2b3c4d5e6'
| removeNonAlpha | Removes all non-alphabetic characters from the input string. | stringUtility.removeNonAlpha('Hello, World! 123');
| 'HelloWorld'
| removeSubstring | Removes all occurrences of a specified substring from the input string. | stringUtility.removeSubstring('Hello World', 'o');
| 'Hell Wrld'
| removeDuplicates | Removes duplicate characters from the input string, keeping only the first occurrence. | stringUtility.removeDuplicates('hello');
| 'helo'
| replaceFirstOccurrence | Replaces the first occurrence of a substring with a new string. | stringUtility.replaceFirstOccurrence('Hello World', 'o', '0');
| 'Hell0 World'
| replaceLastOccurrence | Replaces the last occurrence of a substring with a new string. | stringUtility.replaceLastOccurrence('Hello World', 'o', '0');
| 'Hello W0rld'
| isAlpha | Checks if the input string contains only alphabetic characters. | stringUtility.isAlpha('HelloWorld');
| true
| | | stringUtility.isAlpha('Hello123');
| false
| isPalindrome | Checks if the input string is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards). | stringUtility.isPalindrome('racecar');
| true
| | | stringUtility.isPalindrome('hello');
| false
| isAnagram | Checks if two input strings are anagrams of each other. | stringUtility.isAnagram('listen', 'silent');
| true
| | | stringUtility.isAnagram('hello', 'world');
| false
| isPangram | Checks if the input string is a pangram (contains all letters of the alphabet). | stringUtility.isPangram('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
| true
| | | stringUtility.isPangram('Hello world');
| false
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.