Icons from packs like Font Awesome, Material, Octicons, Feather, Icomoon, and Boxicons available as Web Components
Niht Icons
This is a port of styled-icons using webcomponents for haunted using the customized bundle @niht/haunted which includes the css preprocessor by sytlis and html template literals are bundled from lit-html.
- [ ] Ensure treeshaking can occur
- [ ] How to import specific icons or mix and match
- [ ] Make Bundles Smaller
- [ ] Finish gh-page
Use the package manager npm to install.
npm install @niht/icons --save
Niht Icons can be imported just like any other library when using a bundler of your choice:
import "@niht/icons/lib/fa-regular.js"
Web modules
Niht Icons can work directly in the browser without using any build tools. Simply import the icon bundle from the cdn of your choice:
import "https://unpkg.com/@niht/icons/lib/fa-regular.js"
import "https://unpkg.com/@niht/icons/lib/material.js"
or with a script tag in html:
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@niht/icons/lib/material.js"></script>
If you install the icons locally this build is located at node_modules/@niht/icons/*icon-pack*.js
Each icon pack is bundle and each icon is prefixed with its icon pack name in kebab-case. eg.:
This repo is being used to experiment with the libraries that are bundled with it. Its fate is very uncertain, I would recommend using and contributing to the libraries described above.
The Boxicons are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License.
The Cryptocurrency icons are licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal License.
The Evil Icons are licensed under the MIT License.
The Font Awesome icons are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License.
The Feather icons are licensed under the MIT License.
The Icomoon icons are dual licensed under GPL / CC BY 4.0 License.
The Material Design icons are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
The Octicons are licensed under the MIT License.
The Typicons are licensed under the CC BY SA 3.0 License.