NestJS ReDoc frontend
⚡ Features | 🗿 Installation | ❓ How to use | 👨💻👩💻 Contributors | 📜 Changelog | 📋 ToDo
📒 This is a ReDoc powered frontend for your NestJS API spec.
⚡ Features
- Customizable theme
- It's almost a drop in replacement for you current swagger UI, you only need to import this package and modify any settings you may want to change (e.g: Page title, ReDoc options)
🗿 Installation
Using npm: npm i nestjs-redoc
Using yarn: yarn add nestjs-redoc
❓ How to use
You need to install the Swagger Module first if you want to get definitions updated with your project.
In future versions you will be able to pass a URL parameter as document, but for the moment you need this document object from the swagger module
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
.setTitle('Look, i have a title')
.setDescription('A very nice description')
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
Then add the following example code.
Note: All properties are optional, if you don't specify a title we will fallback to the one you used in your DocumentBuilder instance.
const redocOptions: RedocOptions = {
title: 'Hello Nest',
logo: {
url: 'https://redocly.github.io/redoc/petstore-logo.png',
backgroundColor: '#F0F0F0',
altText: 'PetStore logo'
sortPropsAlphabetically: true,
hideDownloadButton: false,
hideHostname: false,
auth: {
enabled: true,
user: 'admin',
password: '123'
tagGroups: [
name: 'Core resources',
tags: ['cats'],
// Instead of using SwaggerModule.setup() you call this module
await RedocModule.setup('/docs', app, document, redocOptions);
Available options
Redoc Options
| Option | Description | Type | Note |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| title | Web site title (e.g: ReDoc documentation) | string |
| favicon | Web site favicon URL | string | Fallbacks to the document title if not set |
| logo | Logo options | LogoOptions | See LogoOptions table |
| theme | Theme options | ThemeOptions | See ThemeOptions info |
| untrustedSpec | If set, the spec is considered untrusted and all HTML/markdown is sanitized to prevent XSS, by default is false | boolean |
| supressWarnings | If set, warnings are not rendered at the top of documentation (they are still logged to the console) | boolean |
| hideHostname | If set, the protocol and hostname won't be shown in the operation definition | boolean |
| expandResponses | Specify which responses to expand by default by response codes, values should be passed as comma-separated list without spaces (e.g: 200, 201, "all") | string |
| requiredPropsFirst | If set, show required properties first ordered in the same order as in required array | boolean |
| sortPropsAlphabetically | If set, propeties will be sorted alphabetically | boolean |
| showExtensions | If set the fields starting with "x-" will be shown, can be a boolean or a string with names of extensions to display | boolean |
| noAutoAuth | If set, redoc won't inject authentication section automatically | boolean |
| pathInMiddlePanel | If set, path link and HTTP verb will be shown in the middle panel instead of the right one | boolean |
| hideLoading | If set, loading spinner animation won't be shown | boolean |
| nativeScrollbars | If set, a native scrollbar will be used instead of perfect-scroll, this can improve performance of the frontend for big specs | boolean |
| hideDownloadButton | This will hide the "Download spec" button, it only hides the button | boolean |
| disableSearch | If set, the search bar will be disabled | boolean |
| onlyRequiredInSamples | Shows only required fileds in request samples | boolean |
| auth | Auth options | AuthOptions | See AuthOptions info |
| AuthOptions info |
| enabled | If enabled, a prompt will pop out asking for authentication details, default: false
| boolean |
| user | User name, default: admin
| string |
| password | User password, default: 123
| string |
| tagGroups | Tag groups options | TagGroupOptions[] | See Tag Group options |
| Tag Group options info |
| name | Tag name | string |
| tags | Tag collection | string[] |
| redocVersion | Set an specific redoc version | string,number | By default it's "latest" |
Note: If you want to change your ReDoc theme settings, take a look at the official ReDoc documentation: https://github.com/Redocly/redoc/blob/master/src/theme.ts
Apply the properties defined in ResolvedThemeInterface to the key called "theme" in the redoc options
Logo options
| Option | Description | Type | Example | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | | url | The URL pointing to the spec Logo, must be in the format of a URL and an absolute URL | string | | backgroundColor | Background color to be used, must be RGB color in hexadecimal format (e.g: #008080) | string | #F0F0F0 | | altText | Alt tag for Logo | string | PetStore | | href | href tag for Logo, it defaults to the host used for your API spec | string |
👨💻👩💻 Contributors
- Special thanks to Jay McDoniel (jmcdo29) who helped with code refactoring and unit tests! 👏
- @joemaidman
📜 Changelog
Bellow are a list of changes, some might go undocumented
- 1.0.0 - First release
- 1.1.0 - Minor changes, nothing too important
- 1.2.0 - Added unit tests, refactored code
- 1.2.1 - Updated to work with the latest version of nest swagger module
- 1.2.2 - Fixed issue with URL on windows
- 1.3.0 - Added favicon option (by @joemaidman)
- 2.0.0 - Added authentication option, fixed issues with CSP and nestjs version compatibility issues
- 2.1.0 - Added x-tagGroups extension property
- 2.1.1 - Fixed CSP issue on Safari browser
- 2.2.0 - Added version property, this way you can pin redoc to a specific version
- 2.2.2 - Updated to support Nest 8
📋 ToDo
- Add Fastify support
- Add the option to use a spec URL instead of document
- Fix tests