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The *ngxLet
directive allows you unwrap an observable using async
without hiding the DOM element
if the observable emits a falsy value. You can do this using ng-template
and *ngTemplateOutlet
by setting the context on the outlet, but the *ngxLet
directive hides that implementation complexity.
To install this library, run:
npm install @ngx-utilities/ngx-let --save
-or- yarn add @ngx-utilities/ngx-let
and then import and export NgxLetModule
in your Angular SharedModule
// shared.module.ts
import { NgxLetModule } from '@ngx-utilities/ngx-let';
imports: [
exports: [
export class SharedModule { }
Example use-case
Say you are writing your site's layout and you want to show whether the user is logged in or not in both the header and the footer.
... header content
You {{ loggedIn | async ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more header content
... footer content
You {{ loggedIn | async ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more footer content
That seems easy enough. But you are creating two subscriptions to the loggedIn
Duplicate subscriptions lead to obscure bugs and possible perfomance issues, so it's better to
subscribe only once. We can subscribe only once using *ngIf
<ng-container *ngIf="loggedIn | async; let loggedIn">
... header content
You {{ loggedIn ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more header content
... footer content
You {{ loggedIn ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more footer content
Uh oh. Now the page is black for users who aren't logged in! Let's fix it using ng-template
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="layoutTemplate; context: { loggedIn: loggedIn | async }">
<ng-template #layoutTemplate let-loggedIn="loggedIn">
... header content
You {{ loggedIn ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more header content
... footer content
You {{ loggedIn ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more footer content
The *ngTemplateOutlet
directive is super useful for content projection, but using it for this
particular use-case seems messy. Enter *ngxLet
<ng-container *ngxLet="loggedIn | async; let loggedIn">
... header content
You {{ loggedIn ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more header content
... footer content
You {{ loggedIn ? 'are' : 'are not'}} logged in.
... more footer content
MIT © Kevin Phelps