KML to GeoPackage converter
KML and KMZ files to Geopackage files
Using a Xml streaming library to read the kml file and convert the hierarchal data into relational data that GeoPackages can store.
$ npm install @ngageoint/geopackage-kml-js
./cli /path/to/file/to/convert.kml /path/to/file/to/create.gpkg
Currently Supports
- Placemark tags with and without coordinates
Stored as features in a feature table with any additional tags stored in a column of the table.
- Multigeometry tags
- Polygon tags
- inner and outer boundaries.
- LineString tags
- Point tags
- Most of Icon, Polygon and Line Style tags
- color converted to rgba
- GroundOverlay tags
- Image converision from EPSG: 4326 to EPSG: 3857 Web-mercator
- Creates a tile set at appropriate from the zoomlevels.
- Starting at the zoomlevel where the GroundOverlay is covered by one tile.
- Ending where the image resolution matches that of the tile.
- This is done in steps of 2.
- Default Stylings of Google Earth.
- gx:altitudeMode
- ExtendedData
Does not support but plan on supporting
- [ ] Network Links
- [ ] ScreenOverlays
- [ ] Folder and Document structure
- [ ] PhotoOverlays
- [ ] StyleMaps
- currently only captures normal style
- [ ] Region
- [x] gx:x, gx:y, gx:h and gx:w
Does not support and no plans to support currently
- lookAt tags
- Current it is stored as a JSON string in a column of the feature table
- Most of gx extensions
- Models tags
- Camera
- colorMode
- gx:LatLonQuad
- Google Sky
- ListStyle
- NetworkLinkControl