Simplified creation, scrubbing and deletion of temporary files.
Simplified creation, scrubbing and deletion of temporary files.
npm install @nfi/safeish-tmp
API documentation is available here.
Standard form, using open
const safeish = require('@nfi/safeish-tmp')
const child = require('child_process')
const util = require('util')
const execP = util.promisify(child.exec)
async function wrapperFunction(inData) {
// create two temp files with randomised paths
const inFile = await safeish.open()
const outFile = await safeish.open()
try {
// prepare one file with input data
await inFile.write(inData)
// pass file paths to poorly built command-line utility that
// didn't allow you to do what you needed using stdin/stdout
await execP('/usr/bin/im_the_reason_this_package_exists', [
'--input', inFile.path,
'--output', outFile.path
// retrieve output data from the second file
return await outFile.readAll()
} finally {
// close, scrub and delete both files when finished
await inFile.close()
await outFile.close()
Alternative form, using guard
const safeish = require('@nfi/safeish-tmp')
const child = require('child_process')
const util = require('util')
const execP = util.promisify(child.exec)
async function wrapperFunction(inData) {
// create two temp files with randomised paths
return safeish.guard(async (inFile) => {
return safeish.guard(async (outFile) => {
// prepare one file with input data
await inFile.write(inData)
// pass file paths to poorly built command-line utility that
// didn't allow you to do what you needed using stdin/stdout
await execP('/usr/bin/im_the_reason_this_package_exists', [
'--input', inFile.path,
'--output', outFile.path
// retrieve output data from the second file; this value will
// be passed back through the calls to guard()
return await outFile.readAll()
// both files are automatically closed, scrubbed and deleted
// once the callback (or its returned promise) completes
Catch-all cleanup on exit:
const safeish = require('@nfi/safeish-tmp')
// close, scrub and delete any remaining open files
process.on('exit', safeish.closeAllSync)