A barcode scanner for Zebra handheld devices like Zebra CT57X
React Native Zebra Scanner
This package works with Zebra devices that have an integrated barcode scanner, like the Zebra TC57X. This package was fully tested with a TC57X, since the SDK is not specific to the CT50 other devices will likely work as well but this is not guaranteed.
Tip: Use react-native-camera as fallback for devices that don't have an integrated scanner; it has an integrated barcode scanner by using the camera.
yarn add react-native-zebra-scanner
To install the native dependencies:
react-native link react-native-zebra-scanner
Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml so that it works on Android 11 and newer:
<package android:name="com.symbol.emdk.emdkservice" />
The barcode reader needs to be "claimed" by your application; meanwhile no other application can use it. You can do that like this:
ZebraScanner.startReader().then((claimed) => {
console.log(claimed ? 'Barcode reader is claimed' : 'Barcode reader is busy');
To free the claim and stop the reader, also freeing up resources:
ZebraScanner.stopReader().then(() => {
To get events from the barcode scanner:
ZebraScanner.on('barcodeReadSuccess', event => {
console.log('Received data', event);
ZebraScanner.on('barcodeReadFail', () => {
console.log('Barcode read failed');
To stop receiving events:
function barcodeReadFail = () => console.log('Barcode read failed');
ZebraScanner.off('barcodeReadFail', handler);