Nextcloud files utils
Nextcloud Files helpers for Nextcloud apps and libraries.
This library provides three kinds of utils:
- WebDAV helper functions to work with the Nextcloud WebDAV interface.
Those functions are available in
- Geneal purpose function related to files or folders, like filename validation.
- Functions and classes to interact with the Nextcloud files app, like registering a new view or a file action.
Usage examples
Files app
Register a "New"-menu entry
The "New"-menu allows to create new entries or upload files, it is also possible for other apps to register their own actions here.
import type { Entry } from '@nextcloud/files'
import { addNewFileMenuEntry } from '@nextcloud/files'
import { t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
const myEntry: Entry = {
// unique ID of the entry
id: 'my-app',
// The display name in the menu
displayName: t('my-app', 'New something'),
// optionally pass an SVG (string) to be used as the menu entry icon
iconSvgInline: importedSVGFile,
handler(context: Folder, content: Node[]): void {
// `context` is the current active folder
// `content` is the content of the currently active folder
// You can add new files here e.g. use the WebDAV functions to create files.
// If new content is added, ensure to emit the event-bus signals so the files app can update the list.
The getClient
exported function returns a webDAV client that's a wrapper around webdav's webDAV client.
All its methods are available here.
Using WebDAV to query favorite nodes
import { getClient, defaultRootPath, getFavoriteNodes } from '@nextcloud/files/dav'
const client = getClient()
// query favorites for the root folder (meaning all favorites)
const favorites = await getFavoriteNodes(client)
// which is the same as writing:
const favorites = await getFavoriteNodes(client, '/', defaultRootPath)
Using WebDAV to list all nodes in directory
import {
} from '@nextcloud/files/dav'
// Get the DAV client for the default remote
const client = getClient()
// which is the same as writing
const client = getClient(defaultRemoteURL)
// of cause you can also configure another WebDAV remote
const client = getClient('https://example.com/dav')
const path = '/my-folder/' // the directory you want to list
// Query the directory content using the webdav library
// `davRootPath` is the files root, for Nextcloud this is '/files/USERID', by default the current user is used
const results = client.getDirectoryContents(`${defaultRootPath}${path}`, {
details: true,
// Query all required properties for a Node
data: getDefaultPropfind()
// Convert the result to an array of Node
const nodes = results.data.map((result) => resultToNode(r))
// If you specified a different root in the `getDirectoryContents` you must add this also on the `resultToNode` call:
const nodes = results.data.map((result) => resultToNode(r, myRoot))
// Same if you used a different remote URL:
const nodes = results.data.map((result) => resultToNode(r, myRoot, myRemoteURL))
Using WebDAV to get a Node from a file's name
import { getClient, davGetDefaultPropfind, resultToNode, davRootPath } from '@nextcloud/files'
import { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus'
const client = getClient()
client.stat(`${davRootPath}${filename}`, {
details: true,
data: davGetDefaultPropfind(),
}).then((result) => {
const node = resultToNode(result.data)
emit('files:node:updated', node)