Neximo API validations
Neximo EEVEEE validator
This repository contains all the validations that are needed for a sucessful integration
Tested with node v14
Install the ajv cli
npm install -g ajv-cli
To get an standalone code, usefull for serverless environtments, follow the the instructions for standalone deployment on avj standalone
npm install -g ajv-cli
ajv compile -s schema.json -o validate_schema.js
With the following definitions:
const Ajv = require("ajv") // version >= v7.0.0
const ajv = new Ajv({code: {source: true}}) // this option is required to generate standalone code
const standaloneCode = require("ajv/dist/standalone")
const schema = {
$id: "https://example.com/object.json",
type: "object",
properties: {
foo: {
type: "string",
pattern: "^[a-z]+$",
// 1. generate module with a single default export (CommonJS and ESM compatible):
const validate = ajv.compile(schema)
let moduleCode = standaloneCode(ajv, validate)
// 2. pass map of schema IDs to generate multiple exports,
// it avoids code duplication if schemas are mutually recursive or have some share elements:
let moduleCode = standaloneCode(ajv, {
validateObject: "https://example.com/object.json",
// 3. or generate module with all schemas added to the instance (excluding meta-schemas),
// export names would use schema IDs (or keys passed to addSchema method):
let moduleCode = standaloneCode(ajv)
// now you can
// write module code to file
const fs = require("fs")
const path = require("path")
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "/validate.js"), moduleCode)
// ... or require module from string
const requireFromString = require("require-from-string")
const standaloneValidate = requireFromString(moduleCode) // for a single default export