Vue pluralisation plugin for russian and english words can be extended by another languages
JavaScript and TypeScript Smart Pluralisation
This module provides vue plugin for @new-inventor/pluralization service.
Instead of "zero | one | more"
notation, we provide endings notation.
npm install -S @new-inventor/vue-pluralization
# or
yarn add @new-inventor/vue-pluralization
in main.ts/js
import PluralizationPlugin from '@new-inventor/vue-pluralization/PluralizationPlugin';
import ruWords from '@/ru.pluralization.json';
import {LocaleName} from "@new-inventor/pluralization/locales";
import RU, {RUWord} from "@new-inventor/pluralization/locales/RU";
import WordsList from "@new-inventor/pluralization/WordsList";
Vue.use(PluralizationPlugin, {
currentLocale: LocaleName.RU,
locales: {
[LocaleName.RU]: new RU(new WordsList<RUWord>(ruWords)),
locales appears in next form: {: , ...} where instance must be child of Locale
You can use plain text instead of LocaleName.RU
to provide different locale or different locale name.
You can extend Locale
class to implement your own locale.
in templates (value = 2)
<div>{{ value }} {{'билет' | pluralize(value, 'nominative')}}</div> -> 2 билета
// or
<div>{{ '{n} {билет|nominative}' | pluralizeTemplate(value)}}</div> -> 2 билета
in components
this.$pluralizer.pluralize('билет', 1, RUModifier.DATIVE);
// or
this.$pluralizer.pluralizeTemplate('{n} {билет|nominative}', 1);
You can pass plain text to modifier parameter instead of RUModifier.DATIVE
pluralization config should provide object like this (for Russian):
"билет": {
"base": "билет",
"cases": {
"nominative": ["", "а", "ов"],
"genitive": ["а", "ов", "ов"],
"dative": ["у", "ам", "ам"],
"accusative": ["", "а", "ов"],
"instrumental": ["ом", "ами", "ами"],
"prepositional": ["е", "ах", "ах"]
"подразделение": {
"base": "подразделени",
"cases": {
"nominative": ["е", "я", "й"],
"genitive": ["я", "й", "й"],
"dative": ["ю", "ям", "ям"],
"accusative": ["е", "я", "й"],
"instrumental": ["ем", "ями", "ями"],
"prepositional": ["е", "ях", "ях"]
where the key
of map is the name of word to pluralize (you pass it in the template or to pluralize function)
the base
param is the unchanged part of word.
the cases
param is the list of word modifiers with array of [1, 2, 5] variants of word ending
You should not provide this file for English language because there are strict rule for plural words.
When you will implement your own locale you should provide your own config file if it is needed.
Pull requests are always welcome.
Issues you can add here: https://github.com/new-inventor/vue-pluralization/issues