### Installation
npm install -g @nevermined-io/ipnft-cli
yarn global add @nevermined-io/ipnft-cli
Setup Accounts:
- Option 1: Use a mnemonic
export MNEMONIC="<your 12 words seed phrase>"
- Option 2: Use keyfiles
export CREATOR_KEYFILE="<path to keyfile>"
export CREATOR_PASSWORD="<keyfile password>"
export BUYER_KEYFILE="<path to keyfile>"
export BUYER_PASSWORD="<keyfile password>"
export MINTER_KEYFILE="<path to keyfile>"
export MINTER_PASSWORD="<keyfile password>"
export INFURA_TOKEN="<your infura token>"
to switch the NFT token address (optional):
export NFT_TOKEN_ADDRESS="<your erc721 compatible token address>"
to switch the ERC20 token address (optional):
export ERC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS="<your erc20 compatible token address>"
S3 configuration:
export S3ENDPOINT="<S3 base url>"
export S3ACCESSKEYID=<your access key id>
export S3SECRETACCESSKEY=<your access key>
Etherscan API
export ETHERSCANAPIKEY=<your apikey>
$ ipnft --help
usage: ipnft <command>
ipnft accounts Accounts functions
ipnft accounts list List all accounts
ipnft accounts fund account Funds an account on a test net
ipnft agreements Agreements functions
ipnft agreements list did Lists all agreements for given DID
ipnft agreements show agreementId Shows details about an agreement
ipnft nfts NFTs functions
ipnft nfts show did Retrieves information about an NFT
ipnft nfts create [creator] [metadata] [--file data] Creates an NFT
ipnft nfts mint did [minter] [uri] Mints an NFT
ipnft nfts order did [buyer] Orders an NFT by paying for it to the escrow
ipnft nfts transfer agreementId [seller] Transfers the NFT to the buyer and the funds from the escrow to the seller
ipnft nfts update did [file] Uploads the data of an NFT to S3
ipnft nfts download did [consumer] [destination] Downloads the data of an NFT
ipnft nfts search [search] Searches for NFTs
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose Run with verbose logging [boolean]
-m, --gas-multiplier Gas multiplier for transactions [number]
-g, --gas Gas limit for transactions [number]
-n, --network the network to use [string] [default: "mainnet"]