```typescript import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Config, DDO } from '@nevermined-io/nevermined-sdk-js'; import Catalog from '@nevermined-io/components-catalog'; import App from 'app';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Config, DDO } from '@nevermined-io/nevermined-sdk-js';
import Catalog from '@nevermined-io/components-catalog';
import App from 'app';
export const appConfig: Config = {
web3Provider: new Web3(window.ethereum),
verbose: true,
secretStoreUri: '',
graphHttpUri: '',
marketplaceAuthToken: '',
artifactsFolder: `${rootUri}/contracts`
const query = {
offset: 2, // limit response to 2 items
page: 1,
query: {},
sort: {
created: -1
const App = () => {
const { sdk } = Catalog.useNevermined();
const response = Catalog.useAssets(query);
return (
<div>Is SDK Avaialable:</div>
<div>{Object.keys(sdk).length > 0 ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</div>
<Catalog.NeverminedProvider config={appConfig}>
<App />
document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement
The NVM context exposes different modules that each compose multiple functions. Implemented modules include subscribe, assets, account, and events. Each modules interact directly with the sdk and exposes the functionality through the context. For example:
const SingleAssetView = () => {
const { assets, sdk } = useContext(NeverminedContext);
const did = '123';
const { ddo, metadata, error, isLoading, nftDetails } = assets.useAsset(did);
return (
Project Structure
The file src/nevermined.ts
holds the core module. in this file the sdk is initialized and the context
is exposed. The context holds the code that interacts directly with the sdk.
There is also src/services
folder that holds the code that interacts with the context
from src/nevermined.ts
and introduces state management to the main functions implemented in the context.
For example, for the asset service, we have getSingle
in the context and useAsset
as a hook wrapping the getSingle
The code that communicates directly with the sdk:
type DID = string;
- 1 account
getReleases(address: string) -> Promise<DID[]>
returns assets released by address
getCollection(address: string) -> Promise<DID[]>
returns assets bought by address
- 2 asset
getSingle(did: DID) -> Promise<DDO>
returns single asset data
getAll() -> Promise<QueryResult>
returns all avaialble assets
resolve(did: DID) -> Promise<DDO | undefined>
resolves did into asset, undefined if asset not available(usually happens due to broken mint flow)
nftDetails(did: DID) -> Promise<NFTDetails>
return nft details
- 3 event
accountTransferEvents(address: string) -> Promise<EventsResult>
return user recieved transactions
- 4 subscribe
paymentEvents(cb: (events: EventResult[]) -> void) -> ContractEventSubscribtion
start subscribtion listening to payment events in the network
transferEvents(cb: (events: EventResult[]) -> void) -> ContractEventSubscribtion
start subscribtion listening to transfer events in the network
These services use the core functions mentioned above, but with state management capabilities. Example: If u need to fetch account releases u can use useAccountReleases(see Account Service section), its built using the assets module exposed from the sdk context.
Account Service
function useAccountReleases(id: string): {isLoading: boolean; accountReleases: string[]}
A hook to return user releases dids in array.
function useAccountCollection(id: string): {isLoading: boolean; accountCollection: string[]}
A hook to return user collection dids in array.
Asset Service
function useAssets(q: SearchQuery): {isLoading: boolean, result: QueryResult}
A hook to query assets with specific query.
function useAsset(did: string): AssetState
A hook to fetch single asset by did.
Event Service
function usePaymentEvents(): {paymentEvents: EventResult[], isLoading: boolean}
A hook to fetch fulfilled payment events.
function useUserTransferEvents(id: string): {transferEvents: EventResult[], isLoading: boolean}
A hook to fetch fulfilled user transfer events.
Subscribe Service
function useSubscribeToTransferEvents(): {paymentEvents, paymentsubscription}
function useSubscribeToPaymentEvents(): {transferEvents, transferSubscription}