Our NetkiSDK lets you create custom KYC onboarding in your app
NetkiSDK - React Native
Below you will find an overview on how to get going with the React Native installation of the Netki SDK.
Table of Contents
Supported Versions
We have tested and deployed the Netki React Native SDK on the following versions. These are not exclusive but are what we support currently. You may have luck with other versions. If you run into issues our team may be able to help you get around it or to build a compatible version.
- npm:
- gradle:
- xcode: >=10
- React Native: >=0.60.0
- iOS: >= 17
- Android: >= 14
General npm Configuration
1 - Login to npm
CD into your project directory. Then login to npm.
npm login
2 - npm Install
Once you have a React Native project created, go to the root folder and execute.
npm install @netki/netki-mobilesdk
Android configuration
There is not specific configurations for android
iOS configuration
Step 1
On your pod file declare the Netki Library.
pod 'NetkiSDK', :git => 'https://github.com/netkicorp/onboardid-pod.git', :tag => '8.10.0'
Step 2
If needed, request Camera and File Permissions.
Make sure to declare Camera and File permissions for the app to function properly. You can do this using Xcode UI or by editing the XML file.
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSCameraUsageDescription = "To take pictures";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription = "To store pictures";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription = "To store pictures";
Step 3
Make sure to run
pod install
Expo setup
The Expo Config Plugin will allow users on the managed workflow to use the Netki React Native SDK by automating the steps listed in the readme, and running them during expo prebuild (automatically run during eas build
In order to use this, users will need to update their app.json file to include:
"plugins": [
After that depending your project you can keep configuring the plugin by either using EAS Build or EAS prebuild
If you decide to use EAS Build, make sure to configure a distribution channel and modify the generated package depending your needs.
Basic usage
The NetkiSDK uses the latest architecture of React Native, utilizing all methods asynchronously. For more details, you can refer to the official Documentation
You can call all methods using the following format:
const jsFunction = async () => {
try {
const result = await netkiSDK.asyncMethodToExecute();
} catch (error) {
All the async calls to the SDK return an object called ResultInfo
class ResultInfo(
val status: RequestStatus,
val errorType: ErrorType? = null,
val message: String? = null
Step 1
To use the NetkiSDK in you .tsx file you can import it as follows:
const netkiSDK = require("@netki/netki-mobilesdk").default;
Initialize SDK
Before using any of the methods initialize the SDK as below.
If you want to set a different environment than production use:
To validate that the SDK is ready to be used you can do it with the method
Step 2
Configure the SDK passing in the API key provided by Netki as the token.
Once the configuration callback block returns, the environment will be configured and ready to proceed.
Step 3
Start the process to scan the Id.
netkiSDK.startIdentificationFlow("idType", "2_LETTER_COUNTRY_CODE");
idType: The type of id that will be used for the capture process.
The types are:
To fetch list of available ids use:
idCountry: The country that issued the id that will be used for the capture process.
To fetch the list of available countries use:
Step 4
Handling result of the capture process
To validate the result of the process, you can set up listeners for the events as follows:
useEffect(() => {
// Adding event listeners
const successListener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('identificationFlowSuccess', (data) => {
console.log("Success identification");
const cancelListener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('identificationFlowCancel', () => {
console.log("User cancel the identification flow");
const errorListener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('identificationFlowError', (error) => {
const errorType = error.errorType;
const errorMessage = error.message;
// Cleanup on unmount
return () => {
}, []);
Step 5
Once the capture process is successful, create the transaction for identification process.
To create the transaction for the identification process use:
If the previous method returns a success status, it means that the data was posted successfully, the result of the identification process will be posted to the defined backend callback, this is an async method.
The method returns an optional JSON object containing the extra data returned from the submission of the transaction. You can retrieve the data as follows:
const result = await netkiSDK.submitIdentification();
Response Example The response will be a JSON object that may contain extra data, such as:
{"tracking_did": "1234567890"}
If no extra data is returned, the result
will be true
If the previous method returns a success status, it means that the data was posted successfully, the result of the identification process will be posted to the defined backend callback, this is an async method.
Addiotional methods
Re-run Biometrics
To re-submit biometric data in the SDk, follow the steps below:
Steps to Re-run Biometrics
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 Begin by completing steps 1 and 2 from the previous section to prepare the environment and initialize the SDK.
Start the Biometric Capture Flow
Use the following command to initiate biometric data capture, replacing "transaction_id" with the appropriate transaction ID:
Handle the Biometric Flow Results
Use the same listeners specified in Step 4 of the previous section to handle the biometric capture results. These listeners will capture events such as success or failure.
Submit the Captured Biometrics
Once the success event is received, submit the captured biometric data by calling:
Extra data
If you want to set extra data specific to your business use:
metadata_json: Json format string with the data, example:
JSON.stringify({ key: "value", key_b: "value_b" })
Error handling
Method invocation
In case when the ResultInfo returns an error status, it will return an ErrorType, the possible values for these are:
In case that there is more information about the error, you can find it in the message inside ResultInfo.
Netki, [email protected]
NetkiSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.