Plugin to allow decorate block as webcomponent
Eddy's Custom Element
Plugin to allow decorate block as webcomponent / custom element
Having a forked project from https://github.com/adobe/aem-boilerplate
You can use by just
npm i @netcentric/eddys-custom-element
it will install the scripts at the root of your Edge delivery project under libs/
A Regular block
export default function decorate(block) {
// your logic
As custom element and classes for extensablility and lifecicles
import curryDecorator from '../../libs/curry-decorate/curry-decorate.js';
export class Hero extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
// rendering is done then call onComponentComplete for showing
if (this.onComponentComplete) this.onComponentComplete(this);
// define a custom element name and constructor
export default curryDecorator('raqn-hero', Hero);
That way you can create and extend components as classes and web components
import curryDecorator from '../../libs/curry-decorate/curry-decorate.js';
export class Stage extends Hero {
connectedCallback() {
// your logic
// call super for on complete or skip and call it
export default curryDecorator('raqn-stage', Stage);
Shadow Dom Component
import curryDecorator from '../../libs/curry-decorate/curry-decorate.js';
import ShadowDomComponent from '../../libs/shadow-dom-component/shadow-dom-component.js';
export class ShadowExample extends ShadowDomComponent {
connectedCallback() {
// your logic
// call super for on complete or skip and call it
export default curryDecorator('raqn-shadow-example', Stage);
Extending that class will create a custom element with shadow dom where:
- Regular css should be used for avoiding CLS
- Inject a *.shadow.css of the component into the shadow dom
<!-- Regular Edge Delivery Block CSS -->
~ #shadow-root (open) == $0
<!-- Add a *.shadow.css into the shadow dom -->
Custom Params Component
This allow the usage of attributes as class params in edge delivery
- Allow passing params from classes defined in Edge Delivery Services
- Allow sending params per breakpoint
- Convert classes into element attributes for usage as web components attributes.
Let's check this content for example:
Here we have a block called grid, and there's 2 params defined
with represents a col attribute in S breakpointcol
with represents all other breakpoints param
Then we want our block to be a web component and receibe params
- we import the customElementsDecorate to create a custom element
- We extend CustomParamsComponent class to inherit attributes assignment
import customElementsDecorate from '../../libs/custom-element-decorate/custom-element-decorate.js';
import { CustomParamsComponent } from '../../libs/custom-params-component/custom-params-component.js';
export class Grid extends CustomParamsComponent {
// create custom element
export default customElementsDecorate('eddys-grid', Grid);
So now our block will look like this:
<eddys-grid class="grid s-col-1 col-3 block" col="3"></eddys-grid>
If you go to the S breakpoint it will look like
<eddys-grid class="grid s-col-1 col-3 block" col="1"></eddys-grid>
Now that we setup the component let's create proper Web component feature
- We use params to setup a grid.
- We update the grid based on the param change.
Let's enhance our component as a simple example
import customElementsDecorate from '../../libs/custom-element-decorate/custom-element-decorate.js';
import { CustomParamsComponent } from '../../libs/custom-params-component/custom-params-component.js';
export class Grid extends CustomParamsComponent {
// observe changes in the col attribute
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['col'];
// inicialize on connectedCallback
connectedCallback() {
// call the super for attribute setting
// setup grid variables
// show component when complete
if (this.onComponentComplete) this.onComponentComplete(this);
// update variables and styles if col attribute is set
setupGrid() {
const cols = this.getAttribute('col');
if (!cols) {
this.cols = parseInt(cols, 10);
this.area = Array.from(Array(this.cols))
.map(() => '1fr')
.join(' ');
this.style.setProperty('--grid-template-columns', this.area);
// update grid if attribute is changed
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (name === 'col' && oldValue !== newValue) this.setupGrid();
// create custom element
export default customElementsDecorate('eddys-grid', Grid);
Breakpoints can be overriden by window.eddysBreakpoints
window.eddysBreakpoints = {
s: 0,
m: 600,
l: 900,
xl: 1200,
xxl: 1500,
- docs/CHANGELOG.md --> dynamically updated
Issue template
- .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
PR template
- .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md --> automatically closes connected issue
- CI --> npm ci, test and build
- CodeQL --> Perform CodeQL Analysis (Security, etc.)
- Release --> semantic-release:
- Creates release notes
- Updates package.json version
- Creates Git tag/release
- Publish package to NPM
- Manual Release --> same as Release, but can be triggered manually in Actions tab
- based on Angular Commit Message Conventions in commits - https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit-message-header
- Commit message format is used to build:
- Release notes
- Changelog updates
- NPM package semver
Commit message Convention
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
│ │ │
│ │ └─⫸ Summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
│ │
│ └─⫸ Commit Scope (optional): project|based|list
└─⫸ Commit Type: build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|test